Friday, December 14, 2012

Post-Op Appointment and Plans

Today, was my one week Post-Op appointment.  It went pretty well if I do say so myself.  My mom went with me and sadly my husband wasn't able to go.  I got my 2 external stitches removed and my incisions are healing perfectly.  They are scabbing up and itchy which is a good thing :)

Anyways, the doctor  talked about what he saw while poking around in my abdominal and pelvic cavity most of which was in my "Surgery & Day 1 Post-Op" blog.  The cyst wasn't the only thing that the doctor saw that he was surprised to find.

I have Allen-Master's Syndrome.  Here is one way to explain what it is:
Allen-Master's Syndrome is where Endometriosis creates pockets or holes in the Peritoneum.   Peritoneum covers the inside of the body much like the skin covers the outside of the body. Peritoneum normally has the appearance of saran wrap. It is stretched over the organs resulting in a flat contour. Peritoneal pockets can be of varying depths, ranging from slight indentations to very deep narrow pockets.  In its mild form peritoneal pockets can result in minor changes in the contour of the pelvic peritoneum. On occasion this is the only appearance of Endometriosis.  So needless to say my uterus jolts around which it isn't suppose to when it wants too.  This is another reason why I have pain.  Below is a few pictures taken during surgery that shows my Allen-Master's Syndrome.

This is one of two holes in my Peritoneum. 

The other pockets in my Peritoneum.  This is the same hole in both of these pictures.

You can surgically go into the holes and start removing tissue and try to find where the Endometriosis is but you risk cutting your colon open.  We are just going to leave this issue alone.

We now have some decisions to make on where we go from here.  Here are the options:
1. Do 1 month injections of Lupron for 3 months.  Then do a Hysterasalpinogram and see if my tube is opening from the shot.  If it is opening we would do 3 more 1 month injecctions.  Then another Hysterasalpinogram.  If the tube is cleared we would try to do a cycle of IVF.  While taking the Lupron I can still do consults with Fertility Clinics and price what an IVF cycle would cost us.
2. Just jump right in head first and start planning on doing IVF with no treatment to try to fix the tube.
3. Just suppress me once again and risk the Endometriosis spreading.

We have deiced option 3 is not an option.  As much as I dread the thought of Lupron again it is one of the only ways to try to save my tube.  My doctor doesn't believe in the 3 month injection at one time like I had before.  He says he ha better success rates with the 1 month injections.  Also with 1 month injections if I start going crazy I don't have to have anymore injections.  I would go on Add-Back therapy medicine as well and he WILL monitor me closely unlike the last doctor.

As of right now since IVF is so expensive we are going with option 1 and doing the Lupron to start with.  I actually trust this doctor and think he will actually do all the test he is supposed too while on it.  I am scared of the shot but I have to try to save my tube.  While receiving the shots I will see doctors at multiple Fertility Clinics around Connecticut and possibly at Bethesda and Norfolk.  My doctor says I am a perfect candidate for IVF at this time.  Given my age, my uterus is okay, my ovary looks good and the tissue that is on m ovary that I need looks beautiful(his words not mine) I should do it. 

I never thought I would have to deal with all of this at such a young age or at any age.  This is so stressful, annoying, and heartbreaking all at the same time.  It's like can we get a break please??

Over the past 2 years my father-in-law has been battling cancer and it is a miracle and a blessing he is still here with us.  Over these 2 years he has showed me not to give up, stay strong and keep fighting.  I probably would of given up by now if he wasn't such a positive and inspirational influence in our lives.  I will admit that some days I honestly just want to give up and breakdown.  It hurts so bad physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.  At the end of the day I think about my father-in-law and know that if he can push on while fighting cancer I can push on with my battle against Endometriosis and Infertility.  I know God has a plan for us and I hope it includes having our own family no matter how it happens.

I absolutely love Jo Dee Messina's song "Bring On the Rain"  I believe it fits my situation quite well.
These are my favorite lyrics from the song:

It's almost like the hard times circle 'round, A couple drops and they all start comin' down.
Yeah, I might feel defeated, I might hang my head,  I might be barely breathing, but I'm not dead. 
No, cause tomorrow's another day,  and I'm thirsty anyway, 
So bring on the rain!!!!!

Also, please say a prayer for those families that lost loved ones in the shooting that took place at Sandy Hook Elementary School today.  The families need our prayers and positive thoughts more than ever!  

Until next time...

Monday, December 10, 2012

Day 3 Post-Op

The past 3 days have been pretty good.  I have had my moments of pain, and discomfort.  I have only taken 3.5 Percocet's since Friday, which is great.  This recovery has been so much easier than the last two surgeries.

I took my bandages off yesterday.  My incisions look great even though they are a tad bit red.  Today, they have been itchy which is a good sign :)  I think my doctor did a excellent job with my incisions.  They are clean and neat.  My last surgeries incisions were not clean and all over the place.  My poor belly button :(

Belly button incision.  The scar you can see on the lower bottom of m belly button is from last years surgery.  The lighting isn't the greatest and it is not as red as it looks.

Lower abdomen incision.  It looks red but most of that is due to the lighting. 
Overall everything is going quite well.  I can't wait to go to my Post-Op and discuss what options we have and what can be done to save my poor little tube.  Even after my incisions heal it will still take my body months to fully recover from this surgery.  I finally had relief of all the gas in my shoulders.  It is great to be able to lay down and not have stabbing pains in my chest and shoulders anymore.  The stomach swelling has definitely gone down over the past few days.  Obviously, I am still a little puffy.  I look forward to being able to go to the bathroom or cough without having to hold a pillow or towel to my stomach to help with pain and so I don't pop a stitch :P

I got a call today for my Primary Doctor who told me that my thyroid was finally in an appropriate normal range.  However, since it has been all over the charts mainly too low that it seems like I'm developing Hypothyroidism.  I already knew this but to hear it and now have to be monitored to see if I need medication for that.  I also will be going to an Immune, Allergy, and Infectious Disease doctor in the next few weeks because of my Steven-Johnson's Syndrome.  Thankfully, I have not had a problem with any of the medication I have been given for this surgery and recovery. 

I am so thankful for my amazing friends that have been bringing us dinner every night since my surgery.  It is such a relief to not have to worry about cooking.  You ladies are amazing and we are forever thankful for your kindness and generosity. 

Until next time....

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Surgery & Day 1 Post-Op

Yesterday, was my surgery day.  It went okay.  It could of been better or worse.  I arrived at the hospital at 0540 by that point my bleeding had slowed down to a light flow.  I went back to be prepped around 0630 at that time I spoke to about 15 different people.  I had a BHCG test done and it was obviously negative so we could move forward and do surgery.  A nurse started an IV in my left arm, and they gave my fluids and started me on strong antibiotics to prevent infection.  I finally got prepped and they doctors came and got me.  I kissed John and my mom good bye.  Once in the OR I moved to the table and one of 3 Anesthesiologist noticed my IV was blown.  So, they tried to start another IV in my right hand.  Since my veins and hands are so small the catheter wouldn't go all the way in, so that was a no go.  Finally, they started an IV in my wrist even though the hit the nerves and my hand and arm felt like it was being cut off.  I finally got a good cocktail and I was out.  Surgery officially started at 0720.

Once I was under the cutting and poking and prodding began.  They made 2 incisions.  One through my old belly button incision and one through my incision from a surgery in 2009.  Once in the began the Hysterasalpinogram.  Here are some graphic pictures of what was seen while inside of my uterus.  The red splotches are Endometriosis implants.
This is where my Fallopian Tube opening should be.  As you can see there is scar tissue and Endometriosis over the tube opening.  They removed the tissue and made a hole to reveal the next image.

This is the hole they had to make to look inside my tube and try to inject the dye into. 

So as you can see my tube was 100% blocked and is obstructed.  It was not able to be surgically cleaned out because of the risk of damage it would further cause.  The tube is very diseased and this would explain why we haven't been able to get pregnant.  Also, they tried to inject the dye into the tube  once the made a hole.  The tube was so blocked the dye wouldn't enter the tube.  One option to clear the tube is month to month injections of Lupron.  Taking Lupron again is not a decision I will make over night.  It will take some thinking and medical evidence that it will actually help my one and only tube.  I do not want to do Luprn again but at this point if I don't try something the disease can cause my tube to have to be removed.  It could also spread to the ovary.  We will have to wait and see what my doctor says on Friday. 

As far as the Laparoscopy goes they found a few new implants which were burnt off.  To my doctors surprise I had a unexpected cyst on my tube.  The cyst was removed and sent to pathology. 
These are some of the places that my implants were burnt off of.

Left picture shows the cyst and the right picture is after the cyst was cut up and removed.

This is where my left ovary and tube was before being removed last December.

The doctor recommended not to have surgery to fix the tube since it would damage it more than it is and that we would benefit best from IVF.  My Post-Op appointment is on Friday and we will discuss options, etc.


Today, I am much more sore than I was yesterday.  My stomach is distended and we are having to keep an eye on that.  I think it is okay.  Probably just swollen from the obvious like being cut open, having gas inflate my abdomen and also not being able to go to the bathroom.  If it is not better by tomorrow night and or gets hard then I have to call the doctor ASAP. I have been taking my Zofran for nausea every 8 hours and half a Percocet every 6-8 hours as well.  I am feeling pretty good needless to say :P

My belly button incision is sore.  I can't really feel the other incision, thank goodness.  My shoulders are feeling better after taking a gas relief medication.  It is amazing how bad the gas they inflate your abdomen with to move your intestines out of the way hurts and how it moves through your body cavities.

I have been taking it easy today.  My mom and I went for a short walk this afternoon after it stopped drizzling.  I am taking it easy but I can't just lay/sit up in the bed all day.  I have to be active.

I will say I am not happy about the outcome of surgery in a way.  Good news is my ovary is fine.  Bad news my tube is very diseased.  I hope and pray that it can be fixed with medication and that John and I will one day be blessed with a healthy baby or babies.  No matter how we have children if it's through the natural way, IUI, IVF or adoption we will have a family and that child or children will be loved so much and a miracle.

Going through this at the age of 23 isn't easy.  I am not saying it isn't hard for others at all.  For anyone that has ever gone through this knows what it feels like.  I know I am not alone in the battle against Endometriois, and Infertility.  I have been through a lot in the past few years health wise.  I have had my ups and my downs.  I have wanted to give up on this battle but I haven't.  I am so blessed that I have a husband that supports me through all of this chaos!  My family and friends are amazing and supportive as well.  I couldn't ask for better people in my life to support me. 

Until next time.....

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

A month from HELL!

The last month has been absolutely ridiculous for my health and it is still going downhill!  If one more thing happens in the next few days I am going to literally loose it!!

First, it all started with a simple sinus infection on November 8th.  I got better about 2 days after waking up feeling like crap thanks to the medication my doctor gave me.

Second, thanks to the Singular I was given I woke up a few days after starting it with a rash in random places.  That was on November 15th.  Naturally I took Benadryl and called the doctor.  What looks like a normal rash for most people can be a fatal rash for me.  I have an autoimmune disorder called Steven-Johnson's Syndrome.  It causes reactions to mostly penicillin's and sulfa drugs but I am an unique case.  My immune system is so suppressed and my skin so sensitive anything can set it off.  The rash can take hours to days to fully appear.  It dries out my organs, and mucus membranes in my entire body.  When my skin starts to blister or I develop blisters in my mouth it is when I become more likely to die.  My skin then begins to slough off and I would need to be put into the burn unit or ICU.  Anyways, back to this reaction, I took the Benadryl for 24 hours and then the next day it had spread so I immediately went to the ER on November 16th.  I was given 3 IV meds to try to clear the rash up.  If this didn't work then we would know if I was in a full blown reaction.  Thankfully, the reaction was caught in time and the medication slowly but surely made the rash go away.  See I have been down the road of having a severe reaction and nearly died when my lungs dried out and blood pressure dropped to 45/23.  When I break out now I take action because I don't know if I am going to die or not.  So if you ever see me panic over what looks like a small rash this is why.  I will be going to an Allergy and Immune Specialist, and Infectious Disease sometime in the near future to pretty much figure out what is going on and to be a lab rat!

Third, on November 30th I woke up feeling fine.  I had breakfast which was 2 pieces of toast and a cup of greek yogurt.  After I ate I felt queasy but nothing I couldn't handle.  I then went to my Pre-Op for my Laparoscopy and Hysterasalpinogram.  Everything was dandy until I got in the car to leave.  I felt like I was going to vomit everywhere.  Luckily, I didn't get sick until I got home.  For the next 4 hours I vomited 9 times.  I was so exhausted, weak, and dehydrated I knew I needed help.  I couldn't hold anything and I mean anything down!  My fever wasn't to terrible at this point.  With the advice of a close friend I decided I needed to go the the health center in town to get fluids.  My good friend took me to the center.  By this point I had no real fever, and they gave me a tablet of Zofran.  They decided I needed an IV which wasn't rocket science.  I looked like death literally.  I was so dehydrated my veins were collapsed and they had to use a newbown IV cath on me.  Even that took 10 minutes to put in.  After hours of getting fluids I started feeling better.  Finally, for the first time in 10 hours I was able to pee.  It was great lol.  I finally was discharged and went to my merry way with being diagnosed with a stomach virus.  I still don't the greatest now but I sure as hell feel better than I did on Friday.

Fourth, yesterday started like a normal day with a follow up appointment for the stomach virus.  Well, we weren't trying last month because of the fact I am having the surgery and the uterine x-ray.  I started spotting yesterday morning before my appointment and was like this is odd, my period is a week away.  So naturally I got all excited because it could have been implantation bleeding.  I went to the doctor and we talked about the stomach bug and the spotting.  So we did a BHCG, and a thyroid test for Hashimotos Thyroiditis. I was thinking of how wonderful it would be to be pregnant and I could cancel surgery and all of that jazz!  Results came in a few hours later.....  I am NOT pregnant, my period started a week early which is unusual and we don't know why it happened.  Thankfully I don't have Hashimotos Thyroiditis!!! I called my OBGYN to tell him my period started!

Fifth, I may have to cancel surgery because of my period starting a week early.  I can't be bleeding with a medium or heavy flow and have the Hysterosalpinogram done.  Since I am allergic to the IVP dye they use when not performing surgery the doctor wants to so them at the same time so he can use none iodine dye.  I am PISSED!!!!  My mother is on here way up here right now to take me to surgery and take care of me after and we won't know until tomorrow night rather or not I am having surgery Friday morning.  How the hell am I supposed to know what my uterus is going to do Thursday night or Friday morning.  I have no control over it obviously.  I am so frustrated I could shoot Bambi!

Anyways, I may or may not have the surgery Friday.  Please pray that my lovely period plays nice and allows me to have it on Friday.  I am in a lot of pain and don't think I can wait much longer to have stuff removed and burnt off.

Until next time my friends...........

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Doctor Appointment and Surgery Plans

So yesterday I went to the doctor.  I had to make a few decisions.  We decided that while the Clomid and hCG shot stimulated me to ovulate I was only producing only one viable follicle.  So we decided that I would eventually start doing FSH shots.  These shots are a lot more aggressive and harsh on me that the other medicines I've been taking so I'd have to be closely monitored.  I'd also have to give myself these shots when I needed them once I started the cycle.

With all the medications I have been stimulated obviously and can cause my Endometriosis to spread.  Since I have new pain in my abdominal and pelvic area there is a chance that it has spread to more than one location.  :( :( :( 

I was given the options of doing a Hysterosalpingography or a Hysteroscopy.  I would benefit from both procedures regardless of which one I decide to do.  The doctor and I decided to do one of these options so we don't keep getting negative results, also so we don't keep wasting our money and time.

The Hysterosalpingography would be somewhat painful and a dye would be injected into my uterus and a special x-ray would be taken.  This would be done to see if my only tube is blocked and to see if I had any abnormalities within the uterus and tube.  This will not determine if my Endometriosis has spread or not.  While I'd benefit from this I am also highly allergic to the dye used and it could cause serious health issues.  If I had an allergic reaction to it my throat could close up or it would make my Steven-Johnson's Syndrome flare up.  Either one of those is terrifying to think about.  Even with this done I could have to have a Laparoscopy within a year or so to see what is going on in there.

The Hysteroscopy would actually be a Hysterosalpingography and a Laparoscopy that would be done at the same time.  With this Hysterosalpingograpy they could use a special dye that I am not allergic to.  For whatever reason they can only use this dye via an Hysteroscopy.  So, there is no risk that I will have an allergic reaction to it.  The Laparoscopy part would remove any new endometrial growths, adhesions, fibroids, or polyps that are found.  If my right ovary is diseased my doctor will do everything he can to save it.  Even it means that part of it needs to come out.  If an part of the ovary is removed it will still be functional after a good bit of recovery. 

After weighing the benefits of both and making that hard personal decision I have decided I'll d the Hysteroscopy.  It stinks to have to be put under and my stomach cut open in multiple 10mm sections it will be worth it.  I'd rather have this done and do both then have to do separate procedures months apart.  Not to mention that I'm not allergic to the dye they would use for this procedure.  That will be one less thing I have to think about.

So within the next 4 weeks I will be going under the knife and will have a few more answers.  Please keep me and my family in your thoughts and prayers.  This isn't an easy road, but I'm thankful that most of my family and friends are supportive and understand that this needs to be done.

Until next time...

Cycle 3

Cycle 3 started while I was in Indiana.  My period was not normal and neither was my PMS.  The first cycle was like a improved normal period for me with PMS.  Normal use to be periods longer than 7 days, very painful, a lot of clotting, and very heavy bleeding.  So, I will say that from that aspect it has changed in a positive way.  Maybe with all the stress, anxiety, and emotions I was dealing with my body went crazy and didn't play nice. 

Since, I was in Indiana I wasn't able to get my Clomid or hCG shot.  We figured we would see what happened after taking ovulation test ans go form there.  I tested between cycle days 9-17 for an LH surge to indicate Ovulation was about to occur.  All I got was a bunch of negative test.  I took between 1-2 tests a day to make sure I wasn't misreading them.  Guess what??!?  I wasn't misreading them :( 

What a bummer!  It is hard enough knowing that I am the reason why this is not working but to keep hearing that it hasn't worked and that I don't ovulate on my own blows!!  I am frustrated and the more time that passes I get discouraged. 

I went to the doctor yesterday and my next post will be all about that.  It is worthy of it's own post.  It should be up in a few hours. 

Until then......

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Cycle 2 Failure

On October 14th I went and had blood drawn at 8:00 am.  I was getting on a plane a few hours later to fly all the way across the country.  On the way to the airport my doctor called me with my results.  My IUI was unsuccessful and I was not pregnant.  My heart once again sank.  Right after that phone call I started having cramps.  Hours later on the plane my period started.  Talk about bad timing.  

This cycle in general was very odd.  I had no PMS symptoms until after that phone call.  This is so unusual for me since PMS usually starts 1 week and a half before my period starts.  I had nothing.  Over the next few days all I did was spot which is also unusual.  I took a test just because I wanted to see the negative for myself.  It was devastating to see again.

I called my doctor to see when I should start testing for a LH surge for cycle 3.  I did and the next blog will share that experience and whats to come.

For those that are interested in how my trip to Washington was it was good but cut short.  I got there on Thursday night and left Sunday morning.  My father in law is sick and I went to Indiana too be with my husband and his family.

The stress from both this cycle and my father in law being sick I'm sure wasn't going to help cycle 3.

Until next time....

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Second Cycle Started

So this month is our second cycle.  We weren't going to do this cycle at first since I didn't start taking Clomid until day 5 of my cycle.  It didn't help that I told the doctor the wrong day that I started my period.  Thankfully, it was only a day difference and didn't mess everything up :-)  When I went in on the 26th for my ultrasound and possible  hCG trigger shot my heart grew heavy.  Since I have a severe reroverted uterus they weren't able to find a follicle that was biger than 10mm.  he doctor's face turned white and he gave me that look of ummm this isn't working.  About 8 minutes into the ultrasound and pushing on my abdomen out of nowhere this giant follicle appeared on the screen.  It was sitting directly behind my uterus.  It was a perfect follicle at 21.9mm.  I wanted to cry tears of joy!  So, after the ultrasound we talked about our options and about the hCG shot.  We decided that I'd get the hCG trigger shot and figure out what we wanted to do.

On Friday, I had an IUI.  Let me tell you it was no more painful than a pap smear until my cervix wouldn't open.  He had to use a special tool to open it and it hurt worse than all 6 of my tattoos put together.  The nurse grabbed my hands that were on my chest so I wouldn't flinch.  Talk about cramps from HELL!!!  It felt like my uterus had exploded and was on fire.  However, that is normal for when your cervix is opened manually and not naturally.  Since I by passed almost all of reproductive organs and the specimen was injected at the opening of my only tube the fastest swimmers arrived within minutes!  It's crazy to think about. 

I will find out in 9 days if this cycle worked.  I really hope that it does.  I have let my excited emotions take over at the thought that I could be pregnant right now!  If this cycle doesn't work than we still have time to figure out what we want to do.  We still have options which is nice.

Due to the hormones and the insemination the chances of getting pregnant is 3 times higher than average!  So, there's a 60% chance it will work.  I'd have to say those are good odds.  I know that it may not take but I am very confident that it did.  Obviously, if it didn't I will be sad but we WILL move forward!

Today my doctor called with my results of my blood work to make sure I ovulated!  Guess What?!?!? I did and there was no doubt about it.  I ovulated the day of the procedure :)  I have been taking dip stick pregnancy test to watch the test line fade to a negative to insure if I take a test that the hCG shot is out my system.  It should be out of my system in a day or two hopefully.  Even if it isn't if the test line starts getting darker then it should be a true positive test result.  We will know for sure via blood work.

Until next time my friends......keep your fingers crossed :-)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

First Cycle

So, I was supposed to get my bloodwork done this Friday. Thanks to severe cramps, nausea, and dizziness I got it done on Monday.  There was concern that a cyst ruptured and that I could of been bleeding into my abdomen. Thankfully I have no cyst so that wasn't the problem. :)

This cycle did not work. I am NOT pregnant. Of course I am devastated and filled with many different emotions.  However I know that eventually it will happen.  Looks like we have more figuring out to do. Thankfully we still have options left. One way or another we will have a family at some point in the future.  

I have to go back to my OBGYN to discuss my next cycle and make a plan.  Trying is definitely the hardest part.  I know I didn't do anything wrong that made the cycle not take, but I still feel responsible some what.  It's been a long road and I know we have a long road ahead of us. 

I am so thankful that I have a wonderful doctor that doesn't sugar coat stuff. 

I am even more thankful for my loving and supporting husband.  He is being a trooper.  I don't know how in the world he puts up with me some days.  I don't know what I would do without him <3

Until next time....

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Dr. Appointment 8/29

So today was a crazy day.  I went to the doctor's office twice and had to go to have more labs drawn.

Today, I went in for an ultrasound and to get the hCG shot.  The ultra sound was not the most fun thing in the world but I survived :)  My uterus is severely tilted in the wrong direction, I have a large follicle that may be too "ripe", have fluid around my ovary, and I have failed to ovulate again!!!  The follicle was in normal limits but was on the high side of the scale.  We decided to do labs to see if I naturally ovulated to see if I even needed the hCG shot.

The lab worked confirmed what I already knew since I have been doing ovulation test for days now.  I once again have not ovulated.  Needless to say I needed the hCG shot.  So, I went back to the doctor's office again and talked to the doctor, and got my shot.  Wow that shot did not hurt but dang it hurts now.  Hopefully, I will ovulate within 36-48 hours!!  That is the goal.  I have to get labs drawn Saturday to see if I ovulated or not.  In a few weeks we will obviously know if all are hard work has paid off or not. 

Overall the doctor is very happy with how things look!!  Even though the doctor is happy I feel like things are still not right.  I shouldn't have to go through all of this.  Between the Endometriosis, surgery, Lupron, menopause, infertility, fertility treatments, now a retarded uterus(which can cause miscarriage since it's tilted) haven't I suffered enough?!?!?  I know life isn't fair but oh my goodness this is horrible!  I know things will eventually be okay but I don't know how much more my body can take mentally, emotionally, and physically!! 

I hope this treatment works and everything works out for the best.  If this cycle of treatment doesn't work then we have to try something else. 

Thank you all for your support it is very much appreciated :)  Until next time....

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Waiting and Not Knowing

Here I am babysitting 2 of the sweetest children I know.  A true little Princess and a ver Inspirational little boy that has a wonderful outlook on life.  These 2 kids touch my heart in so many ways.  All the kids I watch hold a special place in my heart at the end of the day.  Children are such a precious gift.  We are to teach them the things in life that they need to know.  However, kids teach us so much too.  It is amazing how much a child can show you when you least expect it.  Almost everyday I see a child that bring me joy just like I bring them joy as well.  These children are not mine in anyway but I treat them like they are.

I am learning that if all my fertility treatments, shots, etc, don't work that it will be okay.  Life will go on one way or another.  If my infertility is permanent I will be thankful I am not worse off like some.  Everyday brings a new thought, emotion, or physical pain.  Endometriosis has really changed my life.  I thought having a fatal skin disease(Steven-Johsnons Syndrome) was bad enough.  Yeah, I know if it is some odd ball illness it will happen to me.  I have always been the person to get odd stuff.  I guess being an science experiment was in the cards I was dealt.   In the past 3.5 years so much has changed and my life will continue to change.  I hope that is only for the better.

On, August 29th I will be doing a hCG shot with the assistance of an ultrasound.  The plan is that in 2 weeks 2 days after the injection I will take a sensitive blood pregnancy test.  To say I am happy, excited, and hopeful about the thought that we maybe parents one day is an understatement.  At the same time I am terrified, nervous, freaked out, stressed, and so many other things it isn't even funny.  I have been counting down the days until I get the shot.  The "What If's" are taking place in my mind.  If this doesn't work I am going to be devastated!!  I never expected to be told that I was infertile at 23, I'll need assistance to be pregnant, and that if it doesn't happen with in a year or 2 it may never happen thanks to my Endo.  When life throws me lemons , I try to make lemonade out of them but it can be hard to do sometimes.

Waiting around and not knowing what the future holds is the hardest thing.  I know I have to be patient but this is taking forever ;)  I have waited this long I might as well wait some more until it's my time.  That is so much easier said than done!!

My husband has been a great sport about this whole thing.  He has been supportive this whole time it's wonderful.  I don't give him enough credit at all.  So John, if your reading this know how much I love you and that your support is more than I can ask for!! <3 <3 <3 <3  You are the BEST!

Until next time my friends...

Thursday, August 16, 2012

August 16th!

So after a lot of talking and thinking we decided that being put back on birth control isn't the best option.  Since my body doesn't ovulate that we should let it start working properly again.  Being on birth control can cause issues down the road.  On the 14th I went to my gynecologist to discuss our plan of action and where to go from there.  We had that all figured out.  On the 15th, I went to my PCM who is a little concerned about my TSH(thyroid hormone) was higher than normal at the end of July when the blood was drawn.  My Gyno did blood work on Tuesday and my TSH was very normal.   So it looks like my TSH is going crazy.  I go back in a month to retest it.  Blood work still shows I haven't ovulated still.  This is just so darn frustrating!!!!  I was also diagnosed with Hypoglycemia which I already knew I had.  So good news is my Acarbose the doctor put me on is keeping my blood sugar from dropping too low like it usually did. 

Last night after I got home from the doctor I started bleeding.  I HAVE MY FIRST PERIOD SINCE JANUARY 2011!!!!  YAY, finally!  I know most people wouldn't be happy but this shows my body is at least trying to function right :) :)  I still won't ovulate at this point.  However, with medications my body will eventually start working fully. Since I am having a period though it is causing my Endometriosis to bleed so I am having bad pain again.  I have to suck it up and let my body adjust to functioning again.

So many of my friends are either getting pregnant or having their babies.  It is so exciting but at the same time it hurts.   I am very happy for all of them it's just the thought of that may never happen for us.  It's harder watching women having abortions left and right when I want to have children but my body isn't doing what it needs to for that to happen.  I have a limited time frame to have a baby if that is what we want(which it is) since with every period my Endometriosis bleeds, grows and spreads. 

There is a lot going on and so much to do.  More testing, appointments, thinking positive, and praying to do.  It will get worse before getting better.  I have faith that one day it will all work itself out.. Hopefully, sooner rather than later!

I will create a new blog in relation to this one when it is time to share the journey of this horrible mess and hopefully one day pregnancy and motherhood!!


Thursday, August 9, 2012

Dr. Appointment 6/8/12

So I went to the gyno  on August 1st to get an exam and do blood work.  He did a pregnancy text and also check to see if I had ovulated recently.   We talked about the Depo shot, Implanon, and how for me my biological clock is backwards.  If I wait to long to have a baby it probably won't happen.

Yesterday, August 8th I went back for the results.  I am not pregnant and I am NOT ovulating at all as of now.  So obviously as of now I can't have children.  That may or may not change. Also if I ever want to have a baby I will have take fertility meds and will be consider high risk for multiple reasons. My heart was completely crushed and still is.  I was told I have 2 options. One is to be put back on birth control to suppress my hormones even more and potentially never get pregnant. I haven't ovulated since January 2011 since I started birth control in February 2011, then surgery, then Lupron.  If I continue birth control it may permanently  mess my reproductive system up more than it is.  My second option is to start fertility meds to induce ovulation and try to get pregnant within a few months to a year from now.  I'd have to see a few specialist because I am at a higher risk of something going wrong.

There is obviously a lot of information to think about.  John and I have discussed everything and have our answer. Hopefully the doctor will be able to fix everything :)

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Update as of July 21

It has been a while since my last post.  A few things have changed.  I am now married to my best friend and love of my life John :) :)  I started online schooling to be a Pharmacy Technician.  Also my body has decided that it wants to bleed, and cause me more pain for the past 4 days.  I go to the doctor on the 24th and I hope and pray they can figure something out.  I guess I am having a period but I do not know if that is what this is.  I haven't had a period since January 2011.  So talk about a surprise that I did not want to have in the afternoon.  I once again am having horrible moods.  I know that I have to keep pushing myself to do the things I need to get done whether I have pain or not.  My pain is like it was before I had surgery.  I am so confused by this since I have no ovary on my left side and that is were a lot of the pain is.  When I say pain I mean pain, pressure, and a throbbing stabbing sensation all at the same time.  I feel like I am going into labor but I am not pregnant, trust me I am not!! 

Everyday my body feels different.  Good moods, bad moods, no pain, terrible pain, headaches, no headaches, urine incontinence, no urine incontinence, the list goes on and on.  Everyday something is happening whether it's good or bad, but my joint pain stays the same.  I regret having the Lupron injection but I do not regret having surgery.  My body is still healing from surgery and the shot.  I know that i will take time to figure out what is going on now but I know it will get fixed.  It may not get fixed soon enough but it will over time.  I am confident that everything will be okay no matter what is happening or happens in the future. 

At the end of the day I am thankful that I have it as good as I have it.  Others are less fortunate and are literally fighting for their lives from many different illnesses. 

Take care until next time....

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde

Well things have been going so so lately. I just have been having some mood swings that are ridiculou, but aren't too often.  I go from laughing to serial killer status in .3 seconds!!!! I have started taking only 2.5 mg of my 5 mg hormone pills every 2 days or so. It is making a difference I have been a little bit happier. My mood swings are less frequent but I am still a bitch when they I occur. Hopefully, I will be off the medicine by the end of June. I think that with a little more time I will be happier and back to my old self. My body has decided that I shouldn't get any sleep. I'm sure it is due to the decrease of hormone pill. However, I can't depend on these pills for forever.

Hot flashes are no joke.  They have gotten crazy.  I feel like I have a fever about 10 hours out of the day.  My body is slowly cooking itself form the inside out.  Joint pain has been a problem once again.  My knees want to buckle after being n my feet after about 5 minutes. 

My left side has started to hurt again.  It is a pain in the butt.  I don't see why it hurts in the same place that it did before surgery, since my ovary is gone.  Hopefully, when I go to the doctor soon they will be able to see what's going on in there.  I hope that everything looks okay and that the shot did some type of good.

It has been a long road for myself, John, close family and friends.  My body is doing what it wants to on its own.  I am hopeful that my body starts to regulates itself soon, and I hope it is real soon.   I am becoming happy again, some pain here and there, no cycle, crazy side effects, but I know things could be worse.

I am thankful for my boyfriend John, my family, and friends that have supported me during this time.  :)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

First and Last treatment is DONE! NOW time for me to Recover!

Finally, the 3 month mark came on April 16th, my 23rd birthday.  Now only time will tell what this medication has done to my body.  Hopefully, the affects will wear off in a few weeks.  If not I guess I'll keep taking my hormone pills until I feel somewhat "NORMAL" again. 

I am not under any circumstances having my second Lupron shot.  However, I am continuing my 5mg hormone pill everyday for a few more months to help with the "normal" side effects from the drug(hot flashes, mood swings, bone loss, and headaches).  You could not pay me enough money in the world to do something that stupid!  My hot flashes, pelvic bone pain,  dry skin, and indigestion have gotten a little worse in the past week.  However, worse things could of been getting worse.  I know my body is now trying to transition itself again.  I know I am looking at my side effects getting more intense while the Lupron wears off and I slowly re-adjust.  I have picked up an old hobby of mine that I started when I was about 8.  I am now making custom little girls tutu's, dresses, and hair accessories by hand.  I am so happy that I am back into something I love doing!  If you would like any custom items you can find me at Sew Girly by Sara on facebook.  I have noticed that I feel better about what is going on when I am sewing or doing crafts.  It puts my mind at ease.  Trust me,  that is a great thing to have right now!

I hope and I pray everyday that my body gets back to a "normal" way of functioning.  Yes, I know that m Endometriosis will continue to affect me unless it is cut off or I have whats left of my reproductive system removed.  Only time will tell if this shot has helped or if it has actually made me worse.  I know some things it has made worse.  I am confident that no matter what this awful drug throws my way that I will be able to beat it and overcome what has become a painful adventure.  My body and mind are exhausted and are hurting.  I am very thankful that I have such an amazing boyfriend, family, and friends.  As time goes by we will all know what benefits, and what long term side effects I will have from Lupron.  Trust me I will let you know!  Remember Lupron is not a joke and has killed people from reactions, short and long term side effects.  It effects simple everyday routines.  It is a poision that breaks down your bones and weakens your entire body.  It may help your pain during those 3 or 6 months of treatment but your pain will come back without it.  It is recommended that anyone that takes Lupron should NEVER DO MORE THAN A 6 MONTH TREATMENT IN A LIFETIME EXCEPT FOR CANCER PATIENTS!!  THAT IS HOW POTENT IT IS!

Maybe on the next post I make I can say I have a healthy menstrual cycle, my only ovary works, and all side effects are gone!!  Have a great day :)

Thursday, March 15, 2012

2 Months Down, Maybe a Lifetime to Go!

Since my last blog nothing has really changed except my spine now hurts everyday at some point, my knees swell, all my joints hurt, my hair continues to fall out, the mood swings are bad once again, I got sick and I feel weak.  I feel like I am one giant transplant that my body is rejecting.  My body is getting very tired.  

I feel like saying to people that say they know exactly what I'm going through even though they have no idea the MTV's TruLife statement:  "You think you know, but you have NO idea".  Unless you have had this happen to you, you honestly have no idea.  If you don't know how this feels you are so blessed to not know.  Anyways....

On April 16th which is my 23rd birthday will be the 90th day of my 90 day injection treatment.  It will be like D-Day for me I will be free but not out of the woods.  I will be so happy when my body gets back to something like normal.  Hopefully, my body will start working properly and all the side effects of the Lupron will go away.  I don't mean to be a "Negative Nancy", but I know the side effects will affect me forever. 

I keep thinking about the long term side effects of this medication and it saddens me deeply.  From Will I be able to have children of my own?  What would not being able to have children do to John and my relationship?  Will the mood swings and anger break us up?  Will this Chemotherapy drug slowly kill all of my good cells?  Will I get cancer like a lot of other Lupron patients?  Did I just ruin my life by getting this shot?  There are a lot more questions that only time will answer.  I wish doctors would give you all the information or even the pharmaceutical companies would.  I had to read a  "side effects list" from the pharmaceutical company and sign it before getting the shot.  About 3/4 of the side effects I am or have experienced were not on there or ever mentioned to me.  I looked up why health insurance doesn't cover Lupron it's because the long term side effects are so damn bad they don't want to pay for such a toxin.  I don't blame them.  I wish I knew what I know now.  I signed my life away so some pharmaceutical company could use me as a guinea pig.  It's sad but I do feel like a damn guinea pig while my doctor makes money, while my body slowly deteriorate before my eyes.  A full course of treatment is 6 months of hell.  Well, 3 months will be just long enough for me!!!!  Hell the past 2 months have been enough for me and everyone involved.  Believe me I AM NOT getting the second dose of the Lupron. 

At the end of the day all I want to be my old self again the Sara that existed before the pain began.  My relationship has suffered so much since around December 2009.  It has been a challenge, a hard thing to overcome, but we have.  I am so glad that the man I love understands even in my darkest moments.  Especially, when I know he wants to strangle me (which he would ever actually do, it is a figure of speech).  I know that one day the old Sara will be back, but it is going to take time.  I have to heal physically from my surgery back in December, the Lupron, and the side effects.  I have to heal mentally and emotionally from the stress, anxiety, depression, weight gain, and anger the Lupron has caused me.  After all of this is said and done with I hope and pray that I am endometriosis free, and back to my normal old Sara self :)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

2 months, 19 days and WTF?!?

I have no idea where to begin.  I guess I should let everyone know I haven't lost my mind too terribly much since my last blog.

My pelvic pain has been flaring up more recently.  My back is popping and cracking all the way to my butt(which is an unpleasant feeling).  Hot flashes have been crazy the past few days.  Talk about mood swings galore.  Ugh I am miserable.  Not to mention I have no energy, my hair is falling out and my bones are hurting so bad.  I am having horrible migraines, my eyes hurt worse than normal and my hearing is getting worse.  

I have been doing a lot of research on Lupron, and the short and long term effects of this drug.  Well, what do you know all of the side effects were not given to me to make a better judgement on the medicine.  I am so upset with my doctor, and the pharmaceutical company for even allowing this medicine on the market.  More people have been hurt by it than helped.  This is a Chemotherapy drug and it is a very serious and toxic drug to put into your body.  I do NOT recommend anyone no matter what to take this medicine.  The FDA released a letter years ago that showed that the scientist working on Lupron falsified 80% of his documentation on the side effects and benefits of this drug.  I mean really?!?!  You are playing with people's lives here and they don't care.  They are poisoning people to make money.  I wish the next lawsuit that goes to court to ban this medication wins and no one has to ever be injected with this nasty medicine. 

Hopefully, I am not one of the many that have to deal with horrible and life threatening effects of this medication.  I know a few of you that read my blog are on this shot as well.  I recommend doing your research on this drug and what it is doing to your body.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

One Month and 2 days

Within the last week a lot of things have changed.  The best change is that my mood swings are going away very fast! :)  Thank goodness.  The worst part is I keep getting killer headaches :(  I must say that within the last 2 months(since the surgery)  my body has been under tremendous stress.  I am starting to feel like a new person in the sense that my mood changes are no longer as rapid.  It has been only a month and 2 days since my shot but it has been a VERY long journey so far.  I can only see it getting better from here on out.  Well, that is the plan anyways. 

These changes haven't only affected me.  My boyfriend, family, and friends have been the victim of raging hormonal abuse!  I know that they know I am not trying to be mean or rude to them.  It was/is hard to control a surge of hormones in your body that you can't control how fast they release.  I am just very blessed that my boyfriend, family, and friends have been so understanding and supportive through all of this.  I love you guys <3

The next 2 months are supposed to be less stressful and I will be less "crazy".  I could use a little less crazy right now!  I am just happy to say that I am feeling better and that things are looking up.  I will not know what the consequences of getting this shot will be until the shot wears off in 2 months and then recovery time is up to 57 weeks.  I know those weeks while I am waiting to see if my right ovary starts working properly are going to be hard.  All I want is for that ovary to work and one day have children.  I know that may not be the case but either way I can say I am on the road to recovery, educating people on this disease, and living one day at a time almost pain free!! 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I am 1 of millions, I am not alone!

Do you think you are alone in the fight with endometriosis and early menopause?  If your answer is yes, you are very wrong.  Roughly 176 million women and girls around the world are suffering from endometriosis, early menopause or both.  In America and Canada there is said to be 8.5 million endometriosis suffers.  An estimated 5.5 million women and girls are diagnosed with endometriosis every year. 
I am not alone in this battle with endometriosis and early menopause.  Guess what?  You are not alone either.  I know that this disease does leave us feeling lonely, depressed and very emotional among a huge list of things. 

Just remember you are not alone.  There are millions of us going through this right now, as I am writing this and as you’re reading this blog.  You have a support system in me, other suffers, family, and friends.  Your fellow comrades that are in battle with you understand what you are going through or have been through it.  If you need to have support from a fellow comrade just ask.  I am here for you; I understand what you are going through.

Let's educate those who do not have endometriosis.  Let's support those that do have it.  Let's be there for each other.  Most importantly, let’s march on this battlefield together and beat Endometriosis!  

Monday, February 6, 2012

Week #3 of Lupron

Today, marks 3 weeks since I was given my menopause shot.  There has been so many changes going on since I got the shot.  The next day after getting the shot I boarded a train, and moved to Connecticut to be with my boyfriend.  So, I have been trying to adjust to a new state, a new home, and menopause.  I am adjusting to Connecticut and our new home more so than the menopause.

I've seen women go through menopause and thought WOW that doesn't look to terrible.  I guess they either were blessed to not have a bad experience or they are masking it.  I never thought that at 22 I would ever be going through this type of life change.  I feel like my body is my own enemy.  Every second, minute, and hour it's like I am a different person, or in another mood.  It is so frustrating to go back and forth.  I wish my body would figure itself out.

I have had a few moments of acting like a 5 year old not getting her way.  The crazy thing is that it is usually over nothing and I go from laughing to filled with rage.  I know this is a side effect from all the medications I have in my body and the hormonal change, but it is insane.

I have become insanely emotional!  I cry like someone just killed my dog or something horrible for no reason.  I look like I have waterfalls streaming down my face.  The smallest thing will make me cry.  You can compliment me and I will either say thank you, cry, or try to rip your head off.

I keep telling myself that these extremes should end in about another week or so.  I pray that they do.  I am just very blessed to have such an amazing boyfriend that is holding nothing against me.  He is a great supporter.  He has been wonderful and amazing through this whole thing :)  

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Endometriosis to Early Menopause

It has been 2 weeks and 2 days since I got my Lupron shot and started Add Back.  WOW it has been a journey that I did not expect.  I thought when I first started my menstrual cycle was bad, it doesn't compare.  I don't just have symptoms of menopause but side effects from both the Lupron and Add Back as well.  Hot flashes, cold flashes, flushes, insomnia, night sweats, nausea, loss of libido, vaginal dryness, mood swings, depression, random crying, memory lapses, difficulty concentrating, severe headaches, dizziness, loss of balance, incontinence, bloating, irregular heartbeat, irritability, aching sore joints & tendons, digestion problems, indigestion, low blood sugar, and more pelvic pain are the things I have been experiencing for the past 16 days.  This has been the roller coaster I have been referring too.  It has been very difficult to deal with.  I have sudden, unexplained outburst.  Obviously my body is under some serious changes but it is still hard to understand what is going on.

Due to the surge of hormones I have right now my pelvic pain is back.  I hope it subsides with 2 weeks when the surge dies down.  After the surge is over I will only have hormones that are in my 5mg pill I have to take every morning.  I don't know if I will adjust to this cycle of being a hot mess.  My joints and bones are not liking this transition.  I hurt from my head to my toes.  That could also be due to moving recently, and that I started working out again.

I hope that all my side effects, and symptoms will subside soon.  They are  taking their toll on me and everyone around me especially my supportive boyfriend!

I am just very blessed that I have a support system that understands what is going on right now :)

What is Endometriosis?

Endometriosis  is a gynecological medical condition in which cells from the lining of the uterus (endometrium) appear and flourish outside the uterine cavity, most commonly on the ovaries. The uterine cavity is lined by endometrial cells, which are under the influence of female hormones. These endometrial-like cells in areas outside the uterus (endometriosis) are influenced by hormonal changes and respond in a way that is similar to the cells found inside the uterus. Symptoms often worsen with the menstrual cycle.

Endometriosis is typically seen during the reproductive years; it has been estimated that endometriosis occurs in roughly 5–10% of women. Symptoms may depend on the site of active endometriosis. Its main but not universal symptom is pelvic pain in various manifestations.

Endometriosis is one of the most common health problems that women and girls face.  This disease is common in women in their 30’s and 40’s but any female with a menstrual cycle can develop it.  The average age of someone that is diagnosed is 27 years old.  It is estimated that more than $22 billion is spent every year on treatment for Endometriosis.

Most women do not get diagnosed until they have problems becoming pregnant.  30-40% of women with Endometriosis are infertile.  Endometriosis is the third most common cause for infertility. 
Red Endometriosis
White Endometriosis (these are new growths)

Endometriosis on the ovary 
Signs and Symptoms of Endometriosis 

Pelvic Pain
  • Dysmenorrhea – painful, sometimes disabling cramps during menses; pain may get worse over time (progressive pain), also lower back pains linked to the pelvis
  • Chronic Pelvic Pain – typically accompanied by lower back pain or abdominal pain
  • Dyspareunia – painful sex
  • Dysuria – urinary urgency, frequency, and sometimes painful voiding
Chronic Fatigue 

Complications of Endometriosis includes:

  • Internal scarring
  • Adhesions
  • Pelvic cysts
  • Chocolate cyst of ovaries
  • Ruptured cyst
  • Bowel obstruction
  • Infertility

Generation of pain

The way endometriosis causes pain is the subject of much research. Because many women with endometriosis feel pain during or around their periods and may spill further menstrual flow into the pelvis with each menstruation, some researchers are trying to reduce menstrual events in patients with endometriosis.
Endometriosis lesions react to hormonal stimulation and may "bleed" at the time of menstruation. The blood accumulates locally, causes swelling, and triggers inflammatory responses with the activation of cytokines. It is thought that this process may cause pain.
Pain can also occur from adhesions (internal scar tissue) binding internal organs to each other, causing organ dislocation. Fallopian tubes, ovaries, the uterus, the bowels, and the bladder can be bound together in ways that are painful on a daily basis, not just during menstrual periods.
Also, endometriotic lesions can develop their own nerve supply, thereby creating a direct and two-way interaction between lesions and the central nervous system, potentially producing a variety of individual differences in pain that can, in some women, become independent of the disease itself.


Most endometriosis is found on these structures in the pelvic cavity:
  • Ovaries (the most common site)
  • Fallopian tubes
  • The back of the uterus and the posterior cul-de-sac
  • The front of the uterus and the anterior cul-de-sac
  • Uterine ligaments such as the broad or round ligament of the uterus
  • Pelvic and back wall
  • Intestines, most commonly the rectosigmoid
  • Urinary bladder and ureters
Bowel endometriosis affects approximately 10% of women with endometriosis, and can cause severe pain with bowel movements.
Endometriosis may spread to the cervix and vagina or to sites of a surgical abdominal incision.
Endometriosis may also present with skin lesions in cutaneous endometriosis.
Less commonly lesions can be found on the diaphragm. Diaphragmatic endometriosis is rare, almost always on the right hemidiaphragm, and may inflict cyclic pain of the right shoulder just before and during menses. Rarely, endometriosis can be extraperitoneal and is found in the lungs and CNS.


Pelvic Pain to Endometriosis

Around the time I turned 20 in 2009 my menstrual cycle changed for the worse.  I began having severe pelvic pain, heavier flow, severe clotting, and back pain.  I thought this was normal for a short time.  Over the next few months I went through severe mood swings, and headaches on top of everything else.  I would ball up in the floor crying and moaning and groaning in severe pain.  At times I thought I was in labor even though I was not pregnant.

For a few months in 2010 all my pain, heavy bleeding, and clotting subsided.  I thought the worse was over.  I couldn't of been more wrong.

After those few months of "freedom" all the pain, bleeding, and clotting returned.  I was somewhat mortified.  I didn't know what to do.  I knew I needed to go to the doctor, but I was afraid to.  All my symptoms lead to some kind of reproductive disorder or a reproductive cancer. 

Finally, after almost 2 years of dealing with this my boyfriend got me to go to the doctor in early 2011. 

On February 1, 2011 I went to a doctor to get answers and hopefully a cure.  I was told I had Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding, Dysparenuia, Dysmenorrhea, and Pelvic Inflammatory Disease.  As you may see these diagnosis were given because the doctor's didn't know what was going on.  After numerous ultrasounds, pap smears, blood work tests, MRIs, CTs, and prescriptions I finally realized I needed another opinion.  I decided to get another gynecologists opinion after my "then" doctors wanted to preform surgery.  I said no to having surgery at the time and decided to try the Depot Provera birth control shot.  The shot was to help relieve my symptoms and make me feel like a new person all around. 

In December 2011, after 2 1/2 years of misery I got the answers I needed.  I found a gynecologist that was 100% honest with me and what was going on.  With all of my symptoms and all non-conclusive ultrasounds he knew I had Endometriosis.  He said I need to have surgery to confirm this diagnosis and see if any lesions needed to be removed.  I told the doctor that I wanted without a doubt my ovary that was causing me so much pain to be removed regardless.  I knew that my chances of having children one day with my ovary taken out were going to be lowered.  However, what happened next lowered my chances of having children regardless if I have all my girl parts. 

On December 13, 2011 I had my surgery.  The surgery was a success!!!!  My doctor confirmed that I had Endometriosis!  However, my left ovary had to be removed do to the endometrial lesions on it.  The doctors also found multiple places of new endometrial growths on the outside of my uterus, fallopian tubes, and other ovary.  The good news is that I woke up from surgery with that pelvic pain that I had minutes before going under the knife.

After the surgery I felt at ease knowing what was going on with my body.  My gynecologist recommended that I stop getting my Depot Provera birth control.  He insisted that I get a shot called Lupron + Add Back which side effects are to be reversible in time after treatment.  Lupron would increase my estrogen levels so high I will never have that high of that level again in my life.  After the surge of estrogen I would be in a state of menopause.  The Add Back pill is to help mood swings and hot flashes.  I got my first Lupron shot on January 16, 2012.  I tell you what it has been a hell of a roller coaster ride since then.  

Menstrual Cycles

Young girls at different ages start their menstrual cycle.  If you understand the mysterious “female parts” you know that once a month an egg is released from one of your ovaries.  If that egg is not fertilized the egg and the lining of the uterus(endometrial tissue) sheds itself.  This my dear is a menstrual cycle.  Something that every single women has to go through in their life time.  Some women have a cycle into their 40's, 50's, and sometimes 60’s when nature takes its course and menopause starts.  Then some women have problems at different stages in their lives with their menstrual cycles.  Some are fortunate enough to have their problems solve themselves or birth control helps them.  Others like me are not as fortunate.  I am one of many women that suffer from Endometriosis that has actually been.  I am dealing with the side effects of the disease.  I will be 23 this April and I am in a medically induced menopausal state to hopefully preserve what is left of my reproductive organs.  I have lost one ovary less than two months ago and I hope that that is the only thing I will lose from this disease! 

Hoping and Praying....

Hoping and Praying....