Saturday, November 3, 2012

Cycle 3

Cycle 3 started while I was in Indiana.  My period was not normal and neither was my PMS.  The first cycle was like a improved normal period for me with PMS.  Normal use to be periods longer than 7 days, very painful, a lot of clotting, and very heavy bleeding.  So, I will say that from that aspect it has changed in a positive way.  Maybe with all the stress, anxiety, and emotions I was dealing with my body went crazy and didn't play nice. 

Since, I was in Indiana I wasn't able to get my Clomid or hCG shot.  We figured we would see what happened after taking ovulation test ans go form there.  I tested between cycle days 9-17 for an LH surge to indicate Ovulation was about to occur.  All I got was a bunch of negative test.  I took between 1-2 tests a day to make sure I wasn't misreading them.  Guess what??!?  I wasn't misreading them :( 

What a bummer!  It is hard enough knowing that I am the reason why this is not working but to keep hearing that it hasn't worked and that I don't ovulate on my own blows!!  I am frustrated and the more time that passes I get discouraged. 

I went to the doctor yesterday and my next post will be all about that.  It is worthy of it's own post.  It should be up in a few hours. 

Until then......

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