Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Endometriosis to Early Menopause

It has been 2 weeks and 2 days since I got my Lupron shot and started Add Back.  WOW it has been a journey that I did not expect.  I thought when I first started my menstrual cycle was bad, it doesn't compare.  I don't just have symptoms of menopause but side effects from both the Lupron and Add Back as well.  Hot flashes, cold flashes, flushes, insomnia, night sweats, nausea, loss of libido, vaginal dryness, mood swings, depression, random crying, memory lapses, difficulty concentrating, severe headaches, dizziness, loss of balance, incontinence, bloating, irregular heartbeat, irritability, aching sore joints & tendons, digestion problems, indigestion, low blood sugar, and more pelvic pain are the things I have been experiencing for the past 16 days.  This has been the roller coaster I have been referring too.  It has been very difficult to deal with.  I have sudden, unexplained outburst.  Obviously my body is under some serious changes but it is still hard to understand what is going on.

Due to the surge of hormones I have right now my pelvic pain is back.  I hope it subsides with 2 weeks when the surge dies down.  After the surge is over I will only have hormones that are in my 5mg pill I have to take every morning.  I don't know if I will adjust to this cycle of being a hot mess.  My joints and bones are not liking this transition.  I hurt from my head to my toes.  That could also be due to moving recently, and that I started working out again.

I hope that all my side effects, and symptoms will subside soon.  They are  taking their toll on me and everyone around me especially my supportive boyfriend!

I am just very blessed that I have a support system that understands what is going on right now :)


  1. Kristena Mitchell2/01/2012 8:38 PM

    Wow you are going through a lot! You are not alone in your struggles with your reproductive system. I have Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) which can be pretty awful. I also have very heavy, horrible periods with overwhelming cramps. Combine that with hypothyroidism and I have a very low chance of reproducing. You are very strong to educate others about what you are going through.

    1. I know PCOS is awful as well. There are so many women that have these diseases and brush it off like I did for so long. I am now 22 with only one ovary that we have no idea if it will ever work. We also don't know if I will be able to reproduce either. I still am not healed from my surgery so I have so many things happening to my lady parts right now. Hopefully, we will both be better soon :)

  2. Hey Sara! I just wanted to say that I'm so sorry you're going through all of this. I'm glad you have an outlet to talk about your struggles and maybe even educate some about endo.
    Love you!


Hoping and Praying....

Hoping and Praying....