Thursday, January 24, 2013

Week 3 of Lupron

It's been a while since I last blogged.  Not a whole lot has changed.  I do have some good news though........  I haven't completely lost my mind or gone psycho like my last Lupron treatment last year! 

In a week I will be getting my second injection in hopes that it somewhat clears my fallopian tube.  I have had some of the side effects like last year but they aren't as bad.  I am having more memory loss and confusion which stinks.  I have to say that my new doctor was right about the 1 month injections.  They are not as horrible as the 3 month ones.

My poor belly button is still healing.  It looks better but still gross.  Since my immune system is so gone it takes me a while to heal.  Hopefully in the next month it will be completely healed but it will never look normal again.  If you got to the bottom of the this post you will see my lovely belly button :\

I am still going to UCONN next month!  I am excited but very nervous of what will be said.  IVF is very expensive and trying to get my husband there will be a task.  There is so much paperwork it isn't even funny!!   I am thankful one of my lovely friends has offered to go with me.  I am throwing a baby shower for this friend this weekend and I have gone crazy and this baby shower is going to be AWESOME!!!  One of these days I will have my own baby shower.  

Now I must vent for a minute!
I am so sick of people that have never had difficulty getting pregnant, or don't have Endometriosis telling me they know how I feel.  If you have never had a fertility problem you don't know how I feel.  Yes, I know there are plenty of children that need a home in the world but with my husbands job we wouldn't be able to adopt right now.  Adoption is also expensive and it's worth us trying to have our own children at this point.  Another thing don't joke about my infertility because it is not funny.  I would never wish this on anyone even my worst enemy.  This is difficult and no one should tell me that it can't be that bad or hard to deal with!  While most of you can make babies the "normal" way our baby or babies will be created by a lab tech in a petri dish.  

Until next time....
48 days Post-Op
3 days Post-Op

1 comment:

  1. I definitely agree with you, that people that don't have fertility problems don't know how it feels to constantly try ands try and continue to be disappointed by not being pregnant or by the doctors words, its frustrating and exhausting, I'm definitely fighting my own infertility issues, and I look at you who has been through a lot more and you give me strength bc you haven't given up which means neither can I. thank you Sara you have defiantly helped me by sharing your story!!


Hoping and Praying....

Hoping and Praying....