Thursday, January 31, 2013

Lupron Delayed :\

So today I was supposed to get my second one month Lupron injection.  It has been delayed due to a severe reaction during my allergy testing yesterday :\  I just want to get this over with so we can do the Hysterosalpingogram to see if all this craziness was worth it.

Yesterday, I did the Penicillin Allergy Test since I had a childhood allergy to all Penicillins.  Things were going great.  I had no reactions to any of the intra-dermal injections.  Things took a turn for the worse once I took 500mg of Amoxicillin orally.  About 10 minutes after taking the pills I started getting nauseous and tired.  Not thinking about it I called John.  My face started feeling puffy and I got to a point where I couldn't keep my eyes open.  I got off the phone and pressed the alarm that the nurse gave me incase something like this happened.  She came in looked at me and I told her I was really sleepy.  She ran out of the room and got the doctor.  He took one look at me with that look that you know that the doctor knows something bad is happening.  They put me up on the exam table and started listing to my breathing.  He said my throat was swelling and needed the Epipen.  When they did the Epipen the doctor said you are going to feel wide awake in the next 2 minutes.  Oh my was he not joking!  I felt like a deer in headlights.  My eyes felt like they were bulging out and I could breathe better.  The first time I had taken any type of Penicillin in 17 years I had an Anaphylaxis Reaction.  So needless to say I now have Epipens.   I have to take Prednisone today and tomorrow just to make sure I don't have any delayed reactions.

Next Thursday I get the Lupron shot and then 12 days later I go to UCONN.  I am so thankful I have friends that are willing to go with me when John can't.  My support team is great and I couldn't ask for better people in my life.

Hopefully, the Lupron works and we won't need IVF.  Even if we don't need IVF we still need assistance since my reproductive system is screwed up.  I still do not ovulate on my own.  I retake my Thyroid test right before I go to UCONN.  I hope and pray that is better than the last time.  The last thing I need is Hashimoto Thyroiditis on top of everything else.

That is really that is all that is happening right now.

Until next time.......

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