Thursday, January 3, 2013

New Year, New Adventure, & Doctor's Appointment

2012 is now behind us, and we can start 2013 off with hope, commitment, and courage.

I have hope that this new year will bring answers, change, good health, and a healthy pregnancy!  John and I committed to each other almost 3 1/2 years ago and got married June 3, 2012.  We have committed to love each no matter what.  I am so blessed to have such a wonderful husband that is willing to stand by me knowing I  may never be able to give him a family.  He loves me even though I can be mean and nasty towards him and others for no apparent reason.  While my lack of hormones cause my outburst it is no excuse for my lack of self control.  Hopefully this new year will be the beginning of better moods and a lack of outbursts :)  It takes a lot of courage to go through all of this craziness.  Especially, courage to tell the entire world about it.  I hope and pray that someone reads this blog and it inspire, or bring hope to them.  It is never easy feeling like you are alone with dealing with a problem. 

Everyday seems to be a new journey or brings a new problem but I know that I am going to get through this.  All of my health issues can't be fixed over night sadly.  Some I will always have and they will affect my quality of life.  I feel like a science experiment gone wrong!  That is never a good feeling trust me.

Anyways, today I went to the OB.  My period is 2 days late but I am obviously not pregnant.  What a shocker!  I was given my Lupron shot which was only a month dose instead of a 3 month dose and started my Norethindrone.


Norethindrone is a daily 2 mg hormone pill I take to stop my uterine lining from forming!  YAY no periods!  I go back in a few weeks unless I go crazy like last year.  Oh and there is guarantee that the Lupron will help at this point but it is worth a try to save my sad little tube.  I will start getting consults over the next few months at different fertility clinics.  The numbness in my hand from the IV from surgery could take 18+ months to heal or I may have permanent nerve damage.  It is just my right wrist and index finger so I'm not to worried about it right now.  It is more annoying than anything.  My OB said my PCM needs to start treating my thyroid issue now instead of waiting since it can cause other problems.  I go Monday to talk to my PCM.  I also go to an Allergy and Immune Doctor on Wednesday.  It will be a busy busy week for me.

The next month will be a roller coaster ride.  Hopefully, a good ride instead of a month from hell.  I hope that this year will be the year and by this time next year John and I can have an addition to our little family!

If you have any input on Fertility Clinics or the different IVF procedures let me know :)

Until next time....

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Hoping and Praying....

Hoping and Praying....