Friday, December 14, 2012

Post-Op Appointment and Plans

Today, was my one week Post-Op appointment.  It went pretty well if I do say so myself.  My mom went with me and sadly my husband wasn't able to go.  I got my 2 external stitches removed and my incisions are healing perfectly.  They are scabbing up and itchy which is a good thing :)

Anyways, the doctor  talked about what he saw while poking around in my abdominal and pelvic cavity most of which was in my "Surgery & Day 1 Post-Op" blog.  The cyst wasn't the only thing that the doctor saw that he was surprised to find.

I have Allen-Master's Syndrome.  Here is one way to explain what it is:
Allen-Master's Syndrome is where Endometriosis creates pockets or holes in the Peritoneum.   Peritoneum covers the inside of the body much like the skin covers the outside of the body. Peritoneum normally has the appearance of saran wrap. It is stretched over the organs resulting in a flat contour. Peritoneal pockets can be of varying depths, ranging from slight indentations to very deep narrow pockets.  In its mild form peritoneal pockets can result in minor changes in the contour of the pelvic peritoneum. On occasion this is the only appearance of Endometriosis.  So needless to say my uterus jolts around which it isn't suppose to when it wants too.  This is another reason why I have pain.  Below is a few pictures taken during surgery that shows my Allen-Master's Syndrome.

This is one of two holes in my Peritoneum. 

The other pockets in my Peritoneum.  This is the same hole in both of these pictures.

You can surgically go into the holes and start removing tissue and try to find where the Endometriosis is but you risk cutting your colon open.  We are just going to leave this issue alone.

We now have some decisions to make on where we go from here.  Here are the options:
1. Do 1 month injections of Lupron for 3 months.  Then do a Hysterasalpinogram and see if my tube is opening from the shot.  If it is opening we would do 3 more 1 month injecctions.  Then another Hysterasalpinogram.  If the tube is cleared we would try to do a cycle of IVF.  While taking the Lupron I can still do consults with Fertility Clinics and price what an IVF cycle would cost us.
2. Just jump right in head first and start planning on doing IVF with no treatment to try to fix the tube.
3. Just suppress me once again and risk the Endometriosis spreading.

We have deiced option 3 is not an option.  As much as I dread the thought of Lupron again it is one of the only ways to try to save my tube.  My doctor doesn't believe in the 3 month injection at one time like I had before.  He says he ha better success rates with the 1 month injections.  Also with 1 month injections if I start going crazy I don't have to have anymore injections.  I would go on Add-Back therapy medicine as well and he WILL monitor me closely unlike the last doctor.

As of right now since IVF is so expensive we are going with option 1 and doing the Lupron to start with.  I actually trust this doctor and think he will actually do all the test he is supposed too while on it.  I am scared of the shot but I have to try to save my tube.  While receiving the shots I will see doctors at multiple Fertility Clinics around Connecticut and possibly at Bethesda and Norfolk.  My doctor says I am a perfect candidate for IVF at this time.  Given my age, my uterus is okay, my ovary looks good and the tissue that is on m ovary that I need looks beautiful(his words not mine) I should do it. 

I never thought I would have to deal with all of this at such a young age or at any age.  This is so stressful, annoying, and heartbreaking all at the same time.  It's like can we get a break please??

Over the past 2 years my father-in-law has been battling cancer and it is a miracle and a blessing he is still here with us.  Over these 2 years he has showed me not to give up, stay strong and keep fighting.  I probably would of given up by now if he wasn't such a positive and inspirational influence in our lives.  I will admit that some days I honestly just want to give up and breakdown.  It hurts so bad physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.  At the end of the day I think about my father-in-law and know that if he can push on while fighting cancer I can push on with my battle against Endometriosis and Infertility.  I know God has a plan for us and I hope it includes having our own family no matter how it happens.

I absolutely love Jo Dee Messina's song "Bring On the Rain"  I believe it fits my situation quite well.
These are my favorite lyrics from the song:

It's almost like the hard times circle 'round, A couple drops and they all start comin' down.
Yeah, I might feel defeated, I might hang my head,  I might be barely breathing, but I'm not dead. 
No, cause tomorrow's another day,  and I'm thirsty anyway, 
So bring on the rain!!!!!

Also, please say a prayer for those families that lost loved ones in the shooting that took place at Sandy Hook Elementary School today.  The families need our prayers and positive thoughts more than ever!  

Until next time...

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