Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Some Answers, More Waiting

I hope everyone is having a good week so far.  Since my last post I have since both my RE and OB.  It seems like they are on two different chapters and I am stuck in the chapters in between!

My RE doesn't want to treat my Hashimoto's until my TSH starts going nuts.  Even with the risk that could be involved she is waiting.  My OB thinks I should be getting treated now even if it's just for my side effects.  He isn't sure how they would approach just my antibodies being high.  He is looking into some options and is supposed to get back to me soon.   My RE tested me for Diabetes since I have a strong family history of it and it was NEGATIVE :) :) :)  Since that was negative my symptoms are pointing to PCOS.  One more hurdle for us to have a baby :( :( :(  But HEY... No Diabetes :)  I still have some more thyroid testing to do... BOO!

I started a 24 Day Challenge through Advocare.  Today is Day 8 and I'm down 6.2 pounds :)  I am so flipping excited and happy ;)

Sorry back on track.  My RE and I discussed our FET.  Apparently FETs are more successful than fresh cycles.  Something about the medications and monitoring more closely...blah, blah blah. They sent my prescriptions to a pharmacy but they didn't take Tricare at there MA office.  So they sent it to their RI office.  The Rhode Island office doesn't have a license to ship medications to Connecticut.... ARE YOU KIDDING ME????  It's estrogen tablets and progesterone not cocaine or heroin.  Get your damn license!!!  They were able to send my prescriptions to another pharmacy and they are able to help me thankfully!  So when my period starts next month I will call my doctor and she will tell me how much estrogen to take that day.  I'll continue that dose until my blood work and ultrasound.  That usually will be 2-3 days after day 1 of my period.  Based on the blood work and ultrasound results I should be increasing my estrogen dosage.  That cycle is continued up until the transfer.  John is super excited because 2-3 days before the transfer he gets to use a 2 inch needle to inject my medication into my butt cheek.  He is actually thrilled like he won the lottery lol.  Once I am ready to go they will thaw our embryo and get it ready to be transferred.  Once it's thawed it's the same process as a fresh cycle from there until I get home that day.  I will have to continue taking the estrogen tablets.  I may need more progesterone injections depending on what labs say.  Then we will wait 10-12 days to see if we get our precious BFP!!

Speaking of periods....this time she was 3 days late!  Imagine all the dreams and hopes of miracles I had going on in my head!!!  What a TEASE?!?!?!?!?!

I really hope this is it and this will be our time.  This is our last IVF cycle to try to have a biological baby!  A lot is riding on this.  If it takes I think you all know how we will feel :) :)  If it doesn't.....well lets not talk about that unless we have too.  It already crosses my mind so we will let that be.  

I have decided to get my 7th tattoo at some point.  It really depends on when we get a BFP.  I want to get the Infertility & Loss Awareness Ribbon on my foot.  I think I'd like to get the Endometriosis ribbon incorporated in it some how.  I am excited.  John has requested he be present for this tattoo.... Maybe I can convince him to get one while we are there :D :D 

Well....Until next time.........

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