Monday, September 2, 2013

What's Next For Now & Infertility Humor

Since my last post John and I have had some serious conversations on what to do next.  There is so many unanswered questions, emotions, thoughts, and of course EVERYONE has an opinion.

At this point in the infertility game this is our options: Continue with IVF and do a FET, Surrogacy and Adoption.  Non of these options are easy to think about.  We have already done a fresh IVF cycle that sadly ended in a miscarriage had a 70% chance of success.  A FET will have around a 50% success rate.  Surrogacy really isn't something we want to do but you never know what the future holds.  Adoption is expensive and has a lot of red tape.

Since the miscarriage John and I have been doing a lot of thinking and making decisions.  I decided and then talked to John that we should wait until October to do our FET.  I still have to talk to my RE on Wednesday.  Besides Endometriosis I have a disease that can cause implantation problems, miscarriages and birth defects.  It is caused Hashimoto's Thyroiditis.  It is a form of Hypothyroidism.  My TSH is perfect but my body is producing antibodies that is attacking my thyroid.  Some people with the disease can get pregnant and have a healthy pregnancy once it is controlled.  Here is the problem......No one wants to freaking treat me!!!!!!!   I do not want to use our only snowbaby if we don't my health under control. 

So the main reasons we want to take a small break is:
1. Address my concern about my Hashimoto's to my RE.
2. Get my Hashimoto's under control.
3. Get testing for other auto immune diseases that run in my family.
4. Make a lifestyle change by eating healthier foods.
5. Loose some weight.
6. Start a routine exercise program.
I think those things sound pretty reasonable.  We shall see what the doctor says.

As of this moment we will be doing a FET.  This is our decision and we are sticking to it unless test results tell us we shouldn't.  If you don't like our decision keep it to yourself. 

It has been suggested to me that I should write an ebook for Amazon.  A book that would include our story, fertility issues and treatments, medication, IUI, IVF, what Tricare will and will not cover, etc.  It would be like a one resource for infertile military couples.  Of course it would have useful information for non military couples as well.  So I am slowly diving in to see what happens. 

I AM GOING TO BE AN AUNT FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I was told two days after my BFN.  After doing some math I figured out that she conceived the same day as my transfer.  How crazy is that??  Yes it was a little hard to hear but I am so EXCITED for my brother and sister in law.  They truly deserve this.  John and I can not wait to find out if we are going to have a niece or a nephew.  April 28, 2013 needs to hurry up :) :) 

So keep us in your thoughts and prayers that we get the answers we need.  Also pray for a healthy pregnancy for my sister in law.

Until next time....... Here is some infertility humor for y'all.  Some may think it isn't appropriate but you have to laugh sometimes :P


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