Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The $10,000 Question?!?!?

The $10,000 question has been answered by my RE.  Yesterday was the BIG day. Go to Providence, have labs drawn, go to work, wait, Wait WAIT, get the call and go to dinner.  

While at work I received the call. My doctor was very sweet, compassionate and kind when she told me the fate of my pregnancy.  God decided that he needed our little baby with him in heaven.  My pregnancy ended at 5 weeks and 2 days.  John and I both are doing.  I know once it sets in it will be difficult for both of us. It hasn't fully set in yet that we aren't going to be delivering a baby or babies in late July.  It will hit once I see John and when I start to bleed.  

Job 1:21
The Lord giveth and taketh away, blessed is the name of The Lord. 

We do not have anymore embryos left to transfer so essentially we are done trying....for now.  I go December 2nd to discuss our options and make sure my RE, John and I are on the same page.  

This journey has been so hard but it has also been a blessing.  God has a plan for us. His will will be done when it's time.  I am the mother of 4 beautiful and perfect babies in heaven. One day we will be with them.  We are not giving up but we are taking a much needed break.  Our hearts are broken and we are working through this even with the distance between us.  

We have an amazing family and wonderful friends.  Three of my best friends Jess, Tiffany and Johnsie did something unexpected for me right after I told them it didn't work.  I got a call and then a delivery.  
They got me this beautiful and delicious Ediable Arrangement. So thoughtful and loving. The card was epic!!!! 

Samantha have me a beautiful Alex an Ani bracelet and a bottle of wine.  

Samantha, Bridget and I went to dinner last night. I had a few vodka and red bulls. Yummy ;) ;). 

John and I would like to think all of our family and friends that have been supportive of this journey.  It is not over but we would appreciate everyone giving us time to grieve. While our embryos were only a few weeks old they were still lives lost that we fought for.  We love them just as much as we would if they were still here with us.  I find comfort knowing that one day we will all be together again! 

Until next time..... 

-Pray that John and I can find peace with all of this.
-Pray that we get through this difficult time. 


  1. I'm so sorry for your loss. Prayers for you and John during this difficult time.

  2. So sorry Sara!!! I know your struggle. I am praying for you all during this difficult time! Keep smiling baby girl. God has a plan for you and john and your beautiful angel babies!!!


Hoping and Praying....

Hoping and Praying....