Saturday, December 8, 2012

Surgery & Day 1 Post-Op

Yesterday, was my surgery day.  It went okay.  It could of been better or worse.  I arrived at the hospital at 0540 by that point my bleeding had slowed down to a light flow.  I went back to be prepped around 0630 at that time I spoke to about 15 different people.  I had a BHCG test done and it was obviously negative so we could move forward and do surgery.  A nurse started an IV in my left arm, and they gave my fluids and started me on strong antibiotics to prevent infection.  I finally got prepped and they doctors came and got me.  I kissed John and my mom good bye.  Once in the OR I moved to the table and one of 3 Anesthesiologist noticed my IV was blown.  So, they tried to start another IV in my right hand.  Since my veins and hands are so small the catheter wouldn't go all the way in, so that was a no go.  Finally, they started an IV in my wrist even though the hit the nerves and my hand and arm felt like it was being cut off.  I finally got a good cocktail and I was out.  Surgery officially started at 0720.

Once I was under the cutting and poking and prodding began.  They made 2 incisions.  One through my old belly button incision and one through my incision from a surgery in 2009.  Once in the began the Hysterasalpinogram.  Here are some graphic pictures of what was seen while inside of my uterus.  The red splotches are Endometriosis implants.
This is where my Fallopian Tube opening should be.  As you can see there is scar tissue and Endometriosis over the tube opening.  They removed the tissue and made a hole to reveal the next image.

This is the hole they had to make to look inside my tube and try to inject the dye into. 

So as you can see my tube was 100% blocked and is obstructed.  It was not able to be surgically cleaned out because of the risk of damage it would further cause.  The tube is very diseased and this would explain why we haven't been able to get pregnant.  Also, they tried to inject the dye into the tube  once the made a hole.  The tube was so blocked the dye wouldn't enter the tube.  One option to clear the tube is month to month injections of Lupron.  Taking Lupron again is not a decision I will make over night.  It will take some thinking and medical evidence that it will actually help my one and only tube.  I do not want to do Luprn again but at this point if I don't try something the disease can cause my tube to have to be removed.  It could also spread to the ovary.  We will have to wait and see what my doctor says on Friday. 

As far as the Laparoscopy goes they found a few new implants which were burnt off.  To my doctors surprise I had a unexpected cyst on my tube.  The cyst was removed and sent to pathology. 
These are some of the places that my implants were burnt off of.

Left picture shows the cyst and the right picture is after the cyst was cut up and removed.

This is where my left ovary and tube was before being removed last December.

The doctor recommended not to have surgery to fix the tube since it would damage it more than it is and that we would benefit best from IVF.  My Post-Op appointment is on Friday and we will discuss options, etc.


Today, I am much more sore than I was yesterday.  My stomach is distended and we are having to keep an eye on that.  I think it is okay.  Probably just swollen from the obvious like being cut open, having gas inflate my abdomen and also not being able to go to the bathroom.  If it is not better by tomorrow night and or gets hard then I have to call the doctor ASAP. I have been taking my Zofran for nausea every 8 hours and half a Percocet every 6-8 hours as well.  I am feeling pretty good needless to say :P

My belly button incision is sore.  I can't really feel the other incision, thank goodness.  My shoulders are feeling better after taking a gas relief medication.  It is amazing how bad the gas they inflate your abdomen with to move your intestines out of the way hurts and how it moves through your body cavities.

I have been taking it easy today.  My mom and I went for a short walk this afternoon after it stopped drizzling.  I am taking it easy but I can't just lay/sit up in the bed all day.  I have to be active.

I will say I am not happy about the outcome of surgery in a way.  Good news is my ovary is fine.  Bad news my tube is very diseased.  I hope and pray that it can be fixed with medication and that John and I will one day be blessed with a healthy baby or babies.  No matter how we have children if it's through the natural way, IUI, IVF or adoption we will have a family and that child or children will be loved so much and a miracle.

Going through this at the age of 23 isn't easy.  I am not saying it isn't hard for others at all.  For anyone that has ever gone through this knows what it feels like.  I know I am not alone in the battle against Endometriois, and Infertility.  I have been through a lot in the past few years health wise.  I have had my ups and my downs.  I have wanted to give up on this battle but I haven't.  I am so blessed that I have a husband that supports me through all of this chaos!  My family and friends are amazing and supportive as well.  I couldn't ask for better people in my life to support me. 

Until next time.....


  1. I am sorry your surgery didn't go as planned <3 The last few paragraphs make me so happy though (: You are such a strong and beautiful woman! Love you, girl!

  2. Thank you Jess <3 I love you too <3 <3

  3. HUGS! Glad the surgery went well.. I did the whole Lupron thing at 18.. I think it played a big part in us getting pregnant completely by surprise on our honeymoon. I think I may have to undergo it again if we want to keep trying for another child.


Hoping and Praying....

Hoping and Praying....