Thursday, August 16, 2012

August 16th!

So after a lot of talking and thinking we decided that being put back on birth control isn't the best option.  Since my body doesn't ovulate that we should let it start working properly again.  Being on birth control can cause issues down the road.  On the 14th I went to my gynecologist to discuss our plan of action and where to go from there.  We had that all figured out.  On the 15th, I went to my PCM who is a little concerned about my TSH(thyroid hormone) was higher than normal at the end of July when the blood was drawn.  My Gyno did blood work on Tuesday and my TSH was very normal.   So it looks like my TSH is going crazy.  I go back in a month to retest it.  Blood work still shows I haven't ovulated still.  This is just so darn frustrating!!!!  I was also diagnosed with Hypoglycemia which I already knew I had.  So good news is my Acarbose the doctor put me on is keeping my blood sugar from dropping too low like it usually did. 

Last night after I got home from the doctor I started bleeding.  I HAVE MY FIRST PERIOD SINCE JANUARY 2011!!!!  YAY, finally!  I know most people wouldn't be happy but this shows my body is at least trying to function right :) :)  I still won't ovulate at this point.  However, with medications my body will eventually start working fully. Since I am having a period though it is causing my Endometriosis to bleed so I am having bad pain again.  I have to suck it up and let my body adjust to functioning again.

So many of my friends are either getting pregnant or having their babies.  It is so exciting but at the same time it hurts.   I am very happy for all of them it's just the thought of that may never happen for us.  It's harder watching women having abortions left and right when I want to have children but my body isn't doing what it needs to for that to happen.  I have a limited time frame to have a baby if that is what we want(which it is) since with every period my Endometriosis bleeds, grows and spreads. 

There is a lot going on and so much to do.  More testing, appointments, thinking positive, and praying to do.  It will get worse before getting better.  I have faith that one day it will all work itself out.. Hopefully, sooner rather than later!

I will create a new blog in relation to this one when it is time to share the journey of this horrible mess and hopefully one day pregnancy and motherhood!!


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