Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Dr. Appointment 8/29

So today was a crazy day.  I went to the doctor's office twice and had to go to have more labs drawn.

Today, I went in for an ultrasound and to get the hCG shot.  The ultra sound was not the most fun thing in the world but I survived :)  My uterus is severely tilted in the wrong direction, I have a large follicle that may be too "ripe", have fluid around my ovary, and I have failed to ovulate again!!!  The follicle was in normal limits but was on the high side of the scale.  We decided to do labs to see if I naturally ovulated to see if I even needed the hCG shot.

The lab worked confirmed what I already knew since I have been doing ovulation test for days now.  I once again have not ovulated.  Needless to say I needed the hCG shot.  So, I went back to the doctor's office again and talked to the doctor, and got my shot.  Wow that shot did not hurt but dang it hurts now.  Hopefully, I will ovulate within 36-48 hours!!  That is the goal.  I have to get labs drawn Saturday to see if I ovulated or not.  In a few weeks we will obviously know if all are hard work has paid off or not. 

Overall the doctor is very happy with how things look!!  Even though the doctor is happy I feel like things are still not right.  I shouldn't have to go through all of this.  Between the Endometriosis, surgery, Lupron, menopause, infertility, fertility treatments, now a retarded uterus(which can cause miscarriage since it's tilted) haven't I suffered enough?!?!?  I know life isn't fair but oh my goodness this is horrible!  I know things will eventually be okay but I don't know how much more my body can take mentally, emotionally, and physically!! 

I hope this treatment works and everything works out for the best.  If this cycle of treatment doesn't work then we have to try something else. 

Thank you all for your support it is very much appreciated :)  Until next time....

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