Friday, June 21, 2013

Navigating Our Way to a Baby

 I never thought that at 24 I would be told that I needed to do IVF to have a family.  It is heartbreaking to hear that you having something like this wrong with you.  By that I mean Endometriosis, and a blocked tube.

We are finally at that road that we have waited for.  We have decided to do IVF.  We are shooting for October.  While we are OH SO VERY EXCITED, we are worried about coming up with $10,000-$12,000.  Our insurance does not cover anything for IVF.  This is a package that we are going to be doing if we can raise the rest of the money.  We are going to pay the same price for 2 transfers that some pay for one.  We are very fortunate that my doctor is able to provide this kind of package for us.  I have set up a donation page with  The web address is:
Feel free to share this post or the donation page information.

We need to be able to pay 75% up front before the beginning of September.  September I will start all the hormone injections, testing and everything else I have to do before the egg retrieval and sperm harvest.  In October will be the actual transfer.  I will know by the end of October if I AM PREGNANT OR NOT.  If the first cycle doesn't work then we will do the second with no additional cost. 

I have gone back and forth for weeks now on if we should do this donation page or not.  Some have told me time after time that they don't know what to say to us or what they can do to help.  Well, if your able to help our dreams come true we would be forever grateful for your contribution.  If your not able to donate that is okay.  We understand times are hard.  Just be there and be supportive.  This has been a very stressful, and emotional time not just for myself but for my husband.

Well until next time........

P.S. We appreciate all of your support, donations, thoughts, prayers, and kindness more than you will ever know!

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