Monday, June 3, 2013

Endocrinology and Other Appointment Updates

At the beginning of May I went to my first Endocrinology appointment.  It was awful.  The doctor would not listen to anything I had to say and rushed me right out.

I asked her about my fluctuating TSH levels and IVF.  She said go for it even though my TSH is all over the place.  Your TSH has to be under control to be a candidate for IVF.  This did not make me very happy.  She diagnosed me with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis even though my TSH is not too low.  I demanded medication to help some of the side effects I've been having.  She didn't want to help me.  She told me I was fat and needed to lose 20-40 pounds in the next 6 months and if I don't she will medicate me to do so.  This didn't make me happy.  The list of things that happened during this appointment goes on but I will move on.  I started Synthroid and started having "all day sickness". 

I went to my PCM a week after my Endocrinology appointment.   He was not thrilled with how that appointment went.  He said that the nausea was normal for my new medication and it should hopefully go away.  During his exam I was diagnosed with arthritis, shin splints, a sprained ankle and possible Sciatica.  They did x-rays and an ultrasound.  The ultrasound was done to look for possible hernias.  The ultrasound was negative and I find out the x-ray results this Friday.  They did say I could have pelvic adhesion's from my surgeries and that could be causing the pain.

I had some allergy test done and had a delayed rare reaction to mold.  Anyways, the Allergist said there is a link between my crazy sensitive skin and Hashimoto's.  So I have some new information on my allergies.  This is great :)

I had to go back to my PCM because I am not digesting my food properly, and having nausea and vomiting.  I swear if it isn't one thing it is 50 million more.  I did an x-ray and on Thursday I have a CT scan to check for blockages and hernias.  I may have Celiac Disease as well.  

I go for my second opinion with a new Endocrinologist on June 19th.  She is also an OBGYN and Reproductive Endocrinologist so she can help me in many ways.  She is trained in advanced tubal obstruction surgery as well.  Maybe she can take a look to see if she can clear my tube.  That would be awesome!!!!  I have been looking more into adoption so we have a better picture for both IVF and Adopting.  We will have to do some soul searching, have more medical questions answered, and save a lot of money before we can do either. 

Next post will be about my feelings towards IVF, adoption and how in the world we will pay for it.

Until next time.....

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