Monday, August 5, 2013

Embryo Transfer

If anything doesn't make sense or is spelled wrong its because of the valium. 

Today was the BIG day!! 8 eggs were fertilized and 2 became Blastocyst sooner than expected. 5 are almost Blastocyst and sadly one is slowing down in growth and probably won't make it to the freeze. They will monitor the embryos until tomorrow. If they are good quality they will be cryopreserved and used at a later time if needed. 

We are fortunate that they have all survived this long. It goes to show that my doctors and Embryologist know what they are doing :) 

We went in wanting transfer 2. We were advised of the risk of doing 2 and decided to only transfer 1. After a evaluation of the 2 blastocyst right before we for started they decided on the original plan of transferring both was a good idea. One started to slow in growth but was still good quality.  There is a good possibility of twins!! Here are our beautiful Blastocyst that were transferred:
Aren't they beautiful???  This is what a embryo at Day 5 looks like!!!!  

I took a Valium to help relax my muscles. We sont want my uterus contracting yet. I had to drink 66 ounces of water right before this to have my bladder full. I was nervous on peeing on my doctor but I didn't :) I was so relaxed. The ultrasound machine was going and you could see all my lady business on the screen. I didn't even fill the catheter go into the cervix. Once that was done the Embryologist came in with another catheter that had the embryos in it. That was placed into the other one and then he carefully positioned the tip where they wanted it. Once positioned he pushed the fluid containing the embryos into the uterus. The ultrasound showed they placed the embryos in he right place.  It also showed the fluid containing the embryos fill up the uterus. It was absolutely amazing to see that!!!  Then he put the catheter under the microscope to ensure they made it out and they did. I laid there for 10 minutes and then got dressed. First pit stop the bathroom :D. Second pit stop was at McDonalds. 

I go in 9 days for a blood test. If its positive I have to do another test to confirm. I'll eventually be released from the RE and will be seen by a OBGYN. 

As of right now I am considered PUPO or Pregnant Until Proven Otherwise!!! Holy cow Batman I have embryos in me :D 

Well that all folks :) :) 

Until next time.....

1 comment:

  1. What absolutely beautiful babies you have there! Congrats on being PUPO!


Hoping and Praying....

Hoping and Praying....