Saturday, November 3, 2012

Doctor Appointment and Surgery Plans

So yesterday I went to the doctor.  I had to make a few decisions.  We decided that while the Clomid and hCG shot stimulated me to ovulate I was only producing only one viable follicle.  So we decided that I would eventually start doing FSH shots.  These shots are a lot more aggressive and harsh on me that the other medicines I've been taking so I'd have to be closely monitored.  I'd also have to give myself these shots when I needed them once I started the cycle.

With all the medications I have been stimulated obviously and can cause my Endometriosis to spread.  Since I have new pain in my abdominal and pelvic area there is a chance that it has spread to more than one location.  :( :( :( 

I was given the options of doing a Hysterosalpingography or a Hysteroscopy.  I would benefit from both procedures regardless of which one I decide to do.  The doctor and I decided to do one of these options so we don't keep getting negative results, also so we don't keep wasting our money and time.

The Hysterosalpingography would be somewhat painful and a dye would be injected into my uterus and a special x-ray would be taken.  This would be done to see if my only tube is blocked and to see if I had any abnormalities within the uterus and tube.  This will not determine if my Endometriosis has spread or not.  While I'd benefit from this I am also highly allergic to the dye used and it could cause serious health issues.  If I had an allergic reaction to it my throat could close up or it would make my Steven-Johnson's Syndrome flare up.  Either one of those is terrifying to think about.  Even with this done I could have to have a Laparoscopy within a year or so to see what is going on in there.

The Hysteroscopy would actually be a Hysterosalpingography and a Laparoscopy that would be done at the same time.  With this Hysterosalpingograpy they could use a special dye that I am not allergic to.  For whatever reason they can only use this dye via an Hysteroscopy.  So, there is no risk that I will have an allergic reaction to it.  The Laparoscopy part would remove any new endometrial growths, adhesions, fibroids, or polyps that are found.  If my right ovary is diseased my doctor will do everything he can to save it.  Even it means that part of it needs to come out.  If an part of the ovary is removed it will still be functional after a good bit of recovery. 

After weighing the benefits of both and making that hard personal decision I have decided I'll d the Hysteroscopy.  It stinks to have to be put under and my stomach cut open in multiple 10mm sections it will be worth it.  I'd rather have this done and do both then have to do separate procedures months apart.  Not to mention that I'm not allergic to the dye they would use for this procedure.  That will be one less thing I have to think about.

So within the next 4 weeks I will be going under the knife and will have a few more answers.  Please keep me and my family in your thoughts and prayers.  This isn't an easy road, but I'm thankful that most of my family and friends are supportive and understand that this needs to be done.

Until next time...

Cycle 3

Cycle 3 started while I was in Indiana.  My period was not normal and neither was my PMS.  The first cycle was like a improved normal period for me with PMS.  Normal use to be periods longer than 7 days, very painful, a lot of clotting, and very heavy bleeding.  So, I will say that from that aspect it has changed in a positive way.  Maybe with all the stress, anxiety, and emotions I was dealing with my body went crazy and didn't play nice. 

Since, I was in Indiana I wasn't able to get my Clomid or hCG shot.  We figured we would see what happened after taking ovulation test ans go form there.  I tested between cycle days 9-17 for an LH surge to indicate Ovulation was about to occur.  All I got was a bunch of negative test.  I took between 1-2 tests a day to make sure I wasn't misreading them.  Guess what??!?  I wasn't misreading them :( 

What a bummer!  It is hard enough knowing that I am the reason why this is not working but to keep hearing that it hasn't worked and that I don't ovulate on my own blows!!  I am frustrated and the more time that passes I get discouraged. 

I went to the doctor yesterday and my next post will be all about that.  It is worthy of it's own post.  It should be up in a few hours. 

Until then......

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Cycle 2 Failure

On October 14th I went and had blood drawn at 8:00 am.  I was getting on a plane a few hours later to fly all the way across the country.  On the way to the airport my doctor called me with my results.  My IUI was unsuccessful and I was not pregnant.  My heart once again sank.  Right after that phone call I started having cramps.  Hours later on the plane my period started.  Talk about bad timing.  

This cycle in general was very odd.  I had no PMS symptoms until after that phone call.  This is so unusual for me since PMS usually starts 1 week and a half before my period starts.  I had nothing.  Over the next few days all I did was spot which is also unusual.  I took a test just because I wanted to see the negative for myself.  It was devastating to see again.

I called my doctor to see when I should start testing for a LH surge for cycle 3.  I did and the next blog will share that experience and whats to come.

For those that are interested in how my trip to Washington was it was good but cut short.  I got there on Thursday night and left Sunday morning.  My father in law is sick and I went to Indiana too be with my husband and his family.

The stress from both this cycle and my father in law being sick I'm sure wasn't going to help cycle 3.

Until next time....

Hoping and Praying....

Hoping and Praying....