Thursday, January 31, 2013

Lupron Delayed :\

So today I was supposed to get my second one month Lupron injection.  It has been delayed due to a severe reaction during my allergy testing yesterday :\  I just want to get this over with so we can do the Hysterosalpingogram to see if all this craziness was worth it.

Yesterday, I did the Penicillin Allergy Test since I had a childhood allergy to all Penicillins.  Things were going great.  I had no reactions to any of the intra-dermal injections.  Things took a turn for the worse once I took 500mg of Amoxicillin orally.  About 10 minutes after taking the pills I started getting nauseous and tired.  Not thinking about it I called John.  My face started feeling puffy and I got to a point where I couldn't keep my eyes open.  I got off the phone and pressed the alarm that the nurse gave me incase something like this happened.  She came in looked at me and I told her I was really sleepy.  She ran out of the room and got the doctor.  He took one look at me with that look that you know that the doctor knows something bad is happening.  They put me up on the exam table and started listing to my breathing.  He said my throat was swelling and needed the Epipen.  When they did the Epipen the doctor said you are going to feel wide awake in the next 2 minutes.  Oh my was he not joking!  I felt like a deer in headlights.  My eyes felt like they were bulging out and I could breathe better.  The first time I had taken any type of Penicillin in 17 years I had an Anaphylaxis Reaction.  So needless to say I now have Epipens.   I have to take Prednisone today and tomorrow just to make sure I don't have any delayed reactions.

Next Thursday I get the Lupron shot and then 12 days later I go to UCONN.  I am so thankful I have friends that are willing to go with me when John can't.  My support team is great and I couldn't ask for better people in my life.

Hopefully, the Lupron works and we won't need IVF.  Even if we don't need IVF we still need assistance since my reproductive system is screwed up.  I still do not ovulate on my own.  I retake my Thyroid test right before I go to UCONN.  I hope and pray that is better than the last time.  The last thing I need is Hashimoto Thyroiditis on top of everything else.

That is really that is all that is happening right now.

Until next time.......

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Week 3 of Lupron

It's been a while since I last blogged.  Not a whole lot has changed.  I do have some good news though........  I haven't completely lost my mind or gone psycho like my last Lupron treatment last year! 

In a week I will be getting my second injection in hopes that it somewhat clears my fallopian tube.  I have had some of the side effects like last year but they aren't as bad.  I am having more memory loss and confusion which stinks.  I have to say that my new doctor was right about the 1 month injections.  They are not as horrible as the 3 month ones.

My poor belly button is still healing.  It looks better but still gross.  Since my immune system is so gone it takes me a while to heal.  Hopefully in the next month it will be completely healed but it will never look normal again.  If you got to the bottom of the this post you will see my lovely belly button :\

I am still going to UCONN next month!  I am excited but very nervous of what will be said.  IVF is very expensive and trying to get my husband there will be a task.  There is so much paperwork it isn't even funny!!   I am thankful one of my lovely friends has offered to go with me.  I am throwing a baby shower for this friend this weekend and I have gone crazy and this baby shower is going to be AWESOME!!!  One of these days I will have my own baby shower.  

Now I must vent for a minute!
I am so sick of people that have never had difficulty getting pregnant, or don't have Endometriosis telling me they know how I feel.  If you have never had a fertility problem you don't know how I feel.  Yes, I know there are plenty of children that need a home in the world but with my husbands job we wouldn't be able to adopt right now.  Adoption is also expensive and it's worth us trying to have our own children at this point.  Another thing don't joke about my infertility because it is not funny.  I would never wish this on anyone even my worst enemy.  This is difficult and no one should tell me that it can't be that bad or hard to deal with!  While most of you can make babies the "normal" way our baby or babies will be created by a lab tech in a petri dish.  

Until next time....
48 days Post-Op
3 days Post-Op

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Week 1 of Lupron Done and Update

I have been busy the past week with being sick and 3 different doctor appointments for different things.

Today, is the first complete week of my Lupron shot.  It has been a rollercoaster ride once again.  I will say it isn't as bad as last year's experience so far.  John and I are both hoping it stays that way.  I have been very tired, and have headaches all day.  All I can do is take one day at a time.  My moods have been fluctuating but I don't feel like going completely insane thank goodness!  We will have to wait and see what the next few weeks have in store for us.
I quit smoking :)  I've been nicotine free for 2 weeks now.  I am doing pretty well with that.  I will say between quitting smoking, then immediately getting sick and getting the Lupron injection have impacted my moods and everything else.  Being smoke free and trying to get healthier is just the beginning to a healthier me!  Plus, if I want to IVF and have a safe pregnancy I knew I had to quit.  Here is to a lifetime of being smoke free!!!!!

This is how I have felt for the past week between the Lupron, quitting smoking, being sick, and people getting on my nerves!

Totally unrelated to my Endometriosis but when I got sick after smoking I was told I had bronchitis.  Well, after seeing an Allergy & Immunity doctor yesterday I do not have bronchitis.  My lungs themselves are inflamed along with the rest of my respiratory track.  They seem to think it is due to my asthma and allergies but aren't 100% sure at this time.  I get to do a few different allergy test at the end of the month.  I also get to take strong nasal sprays and inhalers right before the testing because I failed my breathing test.  This isn't the first time that this has happened.  I have had problems with allergies, asthma, and bronchitis for years and smoking has only caused it to get worse.  I am now paying for all the times I thought the nicotine was relaxing and calming me.  WRONG!!

I did go and speak to my PCM about my thyroid results.  While my body is producing antibodies that are attacking my thyroid and other body tissues they can't do anything until the #'s go up to a certain level.  I think this crazy but there isn't much I can do about it.  I go back the week of February 17th to see if the levels are still going up, staying the same or dropping.  Based off of those results we will determine if I need to see an Endocrinologist.

Today, I scheduled my first IVF Consult for February 19th at the University of Connecticut's Center for Advanced Reproductive Services!!!!  I am so excited but at the same time nervous!  My OBGYN is working on the consult letter and documentation to send to the Walter Reed NMMC IVF Program.  I want to get as many options and consults as possible.  IVF is very expensive and the military doesn't cover it at ALL!!!  Once we get all of the consults we will have a lot of decisions to make, plans to try to work out and all that jazz. 

I think this year will be a great year for John and I regardless of what may happen.  There is no guarantee that IVF will work but we are going to try and that's all we can do.  At the end of the day we are our own family and a baby doesn't make a family it only adds to it.  It brings more love, commitment, joy, happiness, and awesomeness that was already formed.  It would be so nice to be able to add to our family the precious gift of life and it WILL HAPPEN!!

Well ladies and gents that's all I have to say for now.  Have a great day!

Until next time.........

Thursday, January 3, 2013

New Year, New Adventure, & Doctor's Appointment

2012 is now behind us, and we can start 2013 off with hope, commitment, and courage.

I have hope that this new year will bring answers, change, good health, and a healthy pregnancy!  John and I committed to each other almost 3 1/2 years ago and got married June 3, 2012.  We have committed to love each no matter what.  I am so blessed to have such a wonderful husband that is willing to stand by me knowing I  may never be able to give him a family.  He loves me even though I can be mean and nasty towards him and others for no apparent reason.  While my lack of hormones cause my outburst it is no excuse for my lack of self control.  Hopefully this new year will be the beginning of better moods and a lack of outbursts :)  It takes a lot of courage to go through all of this craziness.  Especially, courage to tell the entire world about it.  I hope and pray that someone reads this blog and it inspire, or bring hope to them.  It is never easy feeling like you are alone with dealing with a problem. 

Everyday seems to be a new journey or brings a new problem but I know that I am going to get through this.  All of my health issues can't be fixed over night sadly.  Some I will always have and they will affect my quality of life.  I feel like a science experiment gone wrong!  That is never a good feeling trust me.

Anyways, today I went to the OB.  My period is 2 days late but I am obviously not pregnant.  What a shocker!  I was given my Lupron shot which was only a month dose instead of a 3 month dose and started my Norethindrone.


Norethindrone is a daily 2 mg hormone pill I take to stop my uterine lining from forming!  YAY no periods!  I go back in a few weeks unless I go crazy like last year.  Oh and there is guarantee that the Lupron will help at this point but it is worth a try to save my sad little tube.  I will start getting consults over the next few months at different fertility clinics.  The numbness in my hand from the IV from surgery could take 18+ months to heal or I may have permanent nerve damage.  It is just my right wrist and index finger so I'm not to worried about it right now.  It is more annoying than anything.  My OB said my PCM needs to start treating my thyroid issue now instead of waiting since it can cause other problems.  I go Monday to talk to my PCM.  I also go to an Allergy and Immune Doctor on Wednesday.  It will be a busy busy week for me.

The next month will be a roller coaster ride.  Hopefully, a good ride instead of a month from hell.  I hope that this year will be the year and by this time next year John and I can have an addition to our little family!

If you have any input on Fertility Clinics or the different IVF procedures let me know :)

Until next time....

Hoping and Praying....

Hoping and Praying....