Friday, January 3, 2014

Day 4 Post-OP

Today is day 3 since I had surgery.  I have to say I feel pretty good considering.  The past few days have been long, painful, tiring, and nauseating.  However, this is worth it since my tube is open.

My medical team at the hospital called Tuesday to see how I was doing.  Then yesterday my RE called. She wanted to check on how I was feeling, ask about my pain and bleeding.  She still wants us to give this cycle a try as long as my spotting stops before the BIG "O"......Ovulation ;).  She said she is very happy with the results and is amazed we got it opened since two prior procedures failed too.  Those procedures were with another  doctor who didn't have all the fancy catheters, dilators and wires she had.  She said the adhesion's were on the ends I my tubes and they were connected to my pelvic wall.  This is one reason I had so much pain.  My Fallopian tube was been pulled toward my right side.  Ouch!  She also states that she was able to get the tube 100% open and not partially. This is HUGE!  This means there is one less thing in the way that can cause an ectopic pregnancy :) :).  I go on the 15th for a post-op appointment. 

My incisions look pretty intense this time. My poor belly button has taken a beating.  It's been cut open 4 times in he last 5 years.  I have a lot of scar tissue so healing takes time. I also formed blisters near my left side incision that I accidentally popped.  We think those are due to the sensitivity I have to bandage adhesive. 
Belly Button.

Left side.  Those 2 scabs are where the blisters were that I didn't see until after they popped.
Day 3 Post-Op from my Laparoscopy in 2012.

Yesterday, my right side started hurting and I couldn't figure out why.  Obviously I had abdominal surgery but there was no new incisions near the pain location.  This morning I figured it out.  I guess some equipment was laid on my side and it caused a nice yellow bruise.  My abdominal incisions themselves don't hurt but the bruises do.  My back is also starting to hurt.  I have been taking it easy still but I have started moving around more and also doing little things around the apartment.  I haven't needed to take any pain medication since last night so that's a plus.  I am still waking up almost every hour and tossing and turning.  

Since my spotting has slowed down now to where it is almost nonexistent I have been taking ovulation test to give us a better time frame to try this cycle.  Granted I may not ovulate even with a positive ovulate test its worth a shot.  

It's time for lunch and a nap.  

Until next time.......

Hoping and Praying....

Hoping and Praying....