Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Let's Not Ovulate

This past Saturday which was cd 8 I started having pain around my ovary.  It wasn't horrible but wasn't normal for me.  Sunday I had the same pain but it had increased and was sharp.  I had a appointment scheduled for the following morning so I figured if just wait.   

had my third round of labs on Monday.  Te doctor was super busy so I decided to wait until she called with my results to talk about the pain.  She finally called and said my estrogen level was right where they wanted it.  It was 132.9. Yay I'm responding to my medication :)  I was instructed to increase my Estradoil dose to 6 mg a day.  I told her about my pain.  She said I shouldn't be having any pain but it is possible I could have "breakthrough" ovulation.  I usually do not ovulate on my own ever.  So this is bad timing I I'm trying too. You see I'm not supposed to ovulate at all during this cycle but sometimes some women so. She told me to keep doing my ovulation test, watch for excessive weight pain, increased pain, bleeding, chanes in cervical mucous, and fever.  If any of those changed to notify her or my nurse. 

Not even an hour after talking to te doctor I started spotting and having very fertile cm appear.  I was confused since my labs show I was no where near ovulation or being ready to be in the "fertile zone" of my cycle. I called the nurse and she told me to call back if anything got worse.  Thankfully nothing got worse.  

As of today 30OCT I am still having the pain but it hasn't gotten any worse.  The spotting is gone (fingers crossed) so we will find out this Friday 01NOV if are transfer is still a go.  If we get the green light they will also determine when to start the thaw our little embryo. 

When it comes to the transfer I will update everyone that it ha been done.  However, the photo of the embryo and video of the actual transfer will not be shared until after my husband sees it. Do to scheduling conflicts he won't be able to go.  Remember you will find out if it worked or not a few weeks after the transfer. Please respect our privacy.  

I would like to think my mom who was going to come up but has some important things she can not miss at home.  I'd like to think Rudi for being willing not only to take me to my transfer but to go back there with me.  I'd like to think Christy for being awesome and willing to do my IM injections in my gluteus maximus ;).  I'd also like to think all of our family and friends that have been so supportive, loving, caring, kind, and helpful during all of his for the past 2 years.  You all mean the world to us and words and gifts can never truly show how thankful we really are!  

Until next time......

-Pray that our embryo thaws and survives.
-Pray that the embryo implants and grows into a beautiful healthy baby.
-Pray that John and I can get through another cycle regardless of the outcome.
-Also pray for our family and close friends that are feeling pain from our struggle.
-Pray for all of those that are struggling from infertility all around the world

Sunday, October 20, 2013

FET Scheduled


We have our FET tentative schedule!!!!  We are so very excited to get this show on the darn road!  I was praying for a miracle last week.  My period was 6 days late.  Of course I was telling myself well maybe my tube decided to play nice and open up and I am knocked up..... Nope wrong!  I have to say though that getting my period was like Christmas.  Yes, I have been in a lot of pain and really moody but we can now start our new cycle.

Friday I went to get blood work to check my BHCG, Progesterone and Estrogen.  All came back in withing the limits they needed to be so I could start my medication.  Saturday I started my estrogen tablets.  So here is my schedule:

10/18- Period started
10/19- Start Estrogen 2mg tablets
10/24- Blood work to check hormone levels
           Increase Estrogen dosage to 4mg
10/28- Blood work to check hormone levels
            Increase Estrogen dosage to 6mg
11/01- Blood work and ultrasound
           Decrease Estrogen dosage back to 2mg
11/02- Start 25mg Progesterone IM injections
11/03- Increase Progesterone to 50mg
           Continue both Estrogen 2mg and Progesterone 50mg IM injections until BHCG results

**Based off of my lab and ultrasound results this schedule could change to give my embryo the best environment to be in!

We are obviously hoping, and praying for a BFP but if it turns out to not work we will NOT give up!  I have decided that I we allow my RE to go in and "clean house" and then I will start all natural treatment for my blocked tube.  This will involve Traditional Chinese Medicine, self fertility massage, fertility cleansing, acupuncture, reflexology and a few other natural approaches.  It may sound like I'm being a hippie but I am tired of pumping my body full of all of these nasty chemicals.  I have been doing A LOT of research since our miscarriage on natural approaches and what has actually helped people with Endometriosis and blocked tubes.  Maybe we can unblock my tube, get me to ovulate and BAM make a baby....Wouldn't that be AMAZING?!?!?

Sure hope it's soon!
Every time I see this it makes me giggle and smile :P

 Well housework is calling my name :\

Until next time......
-Pray that our embryo thaws and survives.
-Pray that the embryo implants and grows into a beautiful healthy baby.
-Pray that John and I can get through another cycle regardless of the outcome.
-Also pray for our family and close friends that are feeling pain from our struggle.
This month is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month.  It is also Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  Wear Blue and Pin this month and support both causes!!!!

Monday, October 14, 2013

FET Coming Up

Sorry it has been a while since my last post.  I was going to update you all before now but we were waiting for results and other things.  I figured I'd just make one post about everything.

My PCM ran more test to figure out what was going on with my thyroid and and look into some new symptoms.  Good news they did not find any tumors, cancer, or any major problems.  All of my thyroid test were normal except the antibodies.  Good news though about my antibodies they have decreased significantly.  I personally think it that is due to me eating healthier and exercising.  My allergies have also been causing me some problems.  I have broken out 4 times in the last 2 months randomly and we don't know the cause.  We know it could just be from my Hashimoto's Thyroiditis.  As of now no new flare ups :)

With that said John and I have decided to continue our IVF cycle :D  So my period is supposed to be here any day now.  When AF makes her grand appearance I will start my medications!  This time I won't need most of the same medications that I needed last time thank goodness.  My medications arrived last Friday.  I will be on Estradiol 2mg tablets (Estrogen) and various milligrams of Progesterone in Sesame Oil injections.  

I have to admit i can't wait for my darn period to show up so we can start!  This picture doesn't look to intimidating as the fresh cycles medication.....Recap....
Once I start my medications I will have to see my doctor every 2-3 days to do ultrasounds and blood work.  Based of of these test we will know if I can up my dosage of Estradiol and also see if my uterus is ready for the transfer.  This is where my worries and fear is.....  The embryo has to be thawed.  While there is a 95% survival rate for the embryo it is still nerve racking knowing something could happen and all of this be over before we really do anything.  Emotions are running high.  Remember this is our last embryo and our last IVF cycle we will ever do!  As far as the beta pregnancy test goes, I will not be telling anyone if the cycle worked or not until I have confirmation that John knows.  Our schedules are hectic so don't expect a post 1-2 days after this cycle like the last one.  If it is positive and after John knows a few select family members and friends will be notified.  I will not confirm anything until we know if everything is okay regardless of the outcome.

If the FET is not successful I will be going under for another surgery to "clean house" and a last ditch effort to work on the tube.  This will be the 4th time that my tube will be worked on to open it.  It may or may not work.  All we can do is hope and pray for the best and that I won't need to do another surgery. 

I have to say it breaks my heart knowing right now we have a life that has been created and it is in a laboratory frozen, not growing and not with us! 

Until next time......

-Pray that our embryo thaws and survives.
-Pray that the embryo implants and grows into a beautiful healthy baby.
-Pray that John and I can get through another cycle regardless of the outcome.
-Also pray for our family and close friends that are feeling pain from our struggle.

This month is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month.  It is also Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  Wear Blue and Pin this month and support both months! 

Hoping and Praying....

Hoping and Praying....