Monday, July 29, 2013

Update and Retreival

It has been VERY HECTIC around here to say the least!  Here is what has been going on:

6/26-7/14 Birth Control
7/15 Blood work and ultrasound--everything looked great
7/17 Period started
7/19-7/23 Gonal-F Injections
7/24 Blood work and ultrasound-- 2 follicles seen and everything looks great
7/24-7/25 Gonal-F Injections
7/26 Blook work and ultrasound-- 4 follicles seen.  My ovary was hiding behind my uterus and was getting caught in my intestine....yuck!  Doctor was concerned that it may stay like that until the time of retrieval.
7/26 Gonal-F Injection
7/27 Gonal-F Injection and Ganirelix Injection
7/28 Follistim Injection and Ganirelix Injection
7/29 Blood work and ultrasound-- 6-7 follicles seen and  my ovary wasn't hiding :)  After reviewing the ultrasound they confirmed I have 10 follicles ready to be retrieved!!!!  All of my hormones are where they need to be as a well :)
7/29 hCG Injection

With that said my EGG RETRIEVAL IS JULY 31!!!!!!  That's right in less than 2 days :D :D :D :D :D So, Wednesday John and I will go to Massachusetts.  He will do his stuff and then I will be put to sleep while they aspirate my follicles.  The following day I will be called and told how many follicles survived fertilization.  The doctor will then decide if a Day 3 or Day 5 Embryo Transfer will be best for us.  After the transfer we will wait 12-14 days before doing a blood pregnancy test.  We will have to do two test since I am using hCG to cause ovulation tonight.

I am so excited, nervous, scared, thankful and so many other things.  I can't believe that this time has come.  We weren't sure if we would ever get here and we did!!  Going from 4 follicles to 10 has improved my positive attitude even more :)

Without this technology we would  not be given the opportunity right now to have a baby.  While some believe we should just rely on God sometimes you have to do what you think is right at the time.  This is right for my husband and I.  My tube may eventually be cleared but it may not happen before my egg reserve is gone.

Please keep in mind while the burning question will be...Did your IVF cycle work??? we will not be announcing it to the world until we are out of the first trimester. I will be a High Risk Pregnancy and things sadly do happen that we can not control.  I do not want to announce a pregnancy and something happen.  Please respect that.  This has been a very emotional and painful journey for us.  

I will post again either after the ER or after the ET.  Please keep us in your thoughts and or prayers!

Until next time....

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