Friday, August 1, 2014

Hope and Faith RESTORED

The last week and a half is a time I will never and I mean NEVER FORGET!  My Navy RE ordered a HSG for me to confirm the tubal blockage.  Last month I was supposed to get it done but I ended up with a bad sinus infection and had to cancel  I am highly allergic to the dye used during the test.

Anyways. I started praying 2 weeks ago that my period would start early by the 22nd so I could schedule the test in a timely manner I knew someone could take me.  Well, needless to say my prayers were answered on the 22nd and my period was there.  I called and scheduled my appointment.  Then I prayed that I would hear something from my husband by the end of the work week.  Sure enough on the 24th I woke up to a email from him.  I know what some of you may be thinking but when you haven't heard from your husband at all in 6.5 weeks an email is like Christmas Day. 

Back track for a moment.... On June 4th of this year the Navy RE did the wrong test saying it would show if my tube was open.  She said it wasn't open and that we needed IVF all over again.  Our hearts were crushed yet again.  Come to find out she didn't do the right test so I demanded the HSG to be done.  After some fight it was ordered.

Back on track now...  I've been praying since I scheduled my HSG that God would show His will and His plan by the results.  I prayed that no matter what I wouldn't be angry with God or anyone else.  I kept telling myself along with John that we can get through this no matter what happened today.  Why couldn't we get through this?  We have already been through so much already so this wasn't going to be any different but maybe just a little harder.  Well today came.

 My test was delayed because that lovely Navy RE put in my chart not to do the HSG and then days later ordered one.  Due to my allergy they could not move forward even with me doing my protocol medications until the Radiologist spoke to the RE.  After an hour and a half of waiting the RE didn't give a forward answer.  So I signed a waiver stating I knew the risk and blah blah blah.  I know the risk obviously and we needed to know what this test would show so we did it.

Well, hello there mean looking torture table.
 I will be placing my 4/10/13 and today's HSG photos together for comparison.  I labeled the photos so you know what you're looking at.  Don't worry they are x-ray photos so no photos of the business end.


That's right my RIGHT TUBE IS 100% OPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Due to the position I was in you can't see the middle of the left tube but it is also open to the sewn portion.  Remember I don't have a left ovary so that is no biggie at all.  Now with this we may require some medications to help us.  My periods have become very irregular, I have poor ovulation, my Progesterone levels don't stay high enough to get/stay pregnant, my egg shells are very thick so they may not be able to be fertilized and or hatch to implant, my thyroid antibodies are still high which a civilian RE started me on medications for, my insulin levels are elevated, and John needs some more test.  We still have stuff to work on but this is such a BLESSING.  

I was able to talk to John today and we are both shocked and so thankful.  God has blessed us yet again.  Our Hope and Faith have been restored and I think God is going to bless us with a baby in His time.  We can only hope and pray that is soon but if not that is okay.  

***For those that participated in our recent 31 Party or donated to our fertility fund thank you.  With this new news the money will go to the out of pocket cost for the medications and other expenses that we have to pay for from doctor appointments to labs.  My new doctor doesn't take Tricare and many REs around don't sadly.  

For those reading this that are also suffering by the disease of Infertility or any other trail  PLEASE DO NOT GIVE UP!  Miracles happen every day and today may just be your day. 

With love from Sara and John

Thank you for reading and until next time.............. "May the odds be ever in our favor!"

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Hoping and Praying....

Hoping and Praying....