Saturday, March 30, 2013

UCONN Appointment

On Thursday I went to UCONN.  I got good and not so good news. 

So, here we go.........

My Thyroid Antibodies are still increasing as my Thyroid starts to fail.  They are 24 times higher than the normal range.  My actual TSH is normal but is in the very low part of normal.  I am going be seeing an Endocrinologist so he can monitor my Thyroid and treat my symptoms.  I can start medication to replace Thyroid hormones once it actually fails. 

My fertility doctor wants me to have my HSG like my OB wants in a few weeks.  Everyone is very skeptical if the Lupron has done anything.  I have been advised to stop getting Lupron injections.  If it worked or at least helped and they can open the tube more we may be able to do an IUI.  That would be nice since it is a lot cheaper and less for us to go through.

IVF is going to actually be a little bit less expensive than we thought.  It will be about $10,000 for an entire cycle.  When we priced it out at other places it was between $15,000-20,000.  I will take $10,000 instead ;)  So that is excellent news.  John and I still need to discuss everything. 

I started the lab test to get the ball rolling just in case if we decide to do the IVF :) :) 

Now for the not so thrilling news.......

I have fluid in my uterus.  There is a chance that is side effect from the Norethindrone.  After I start cycles again they will look again to see if it is still there. 

My poor ovary was really small even for being suppressed.  It was smaller this time than what it was the last time I was on the Lupron. 

There was talk that there could be a chance that I don't have enough eggs :\ :\  We will have to wait for the Lupron to wear off to get a clearer picture. 

My doctor believes my pain I am having right now is being caused by hernias.  They believe the hernias are through the holes in the Peritoneum that supports the uterus.  So we have to wait and see what my PCM says.  If I do have them I will have to have them surgically removed.  

Needless to say John and I have lots to talk about and we also have a lot more waiting to do.  I appreciate all of y'alls support and prayers.  Thank you Bridget for going with me :)

Until next time.............

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Another Speed Bump

Things have been quite crazy and hectic recently.  Due to some family matters I have been out of town for two weeks now.  I have had to delay my Lupron shot for a week.  I can tell the last injection is wearing off :\.  Thankful I have plenty of Norethindrone pills left.  I have to go get some blood work done on Wednesday afternoon.  Depending on that will determine if I can even have the last Lurpon injection.

Before I mentioned that my Thyroid Anti-bodies were high and my TSH was still in the normal range.  Blood work from last month showed that my TSH is almost off of the lower end of the scale.  I have become very exhausted, my hair is falling out and just don't feel well.  They will be running the blood work to see if my levels have come down, or if they have gone up.  I could be developing Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, Grave's Disease or Thyroid Cancer.  Hopefully my body is just going crazy and is starting to fix itself.  However my TSH has been dropping over the last 7 months.  This is just one more thing to add to my plate of hormonal craziness.  I am exhausted physically, mentally, and emotionally.  For any of the possibilites there is a treatment in which I am thankful for. 

Anyways, I am supposed to go to UCONN on the 28th still.  Tricare got my authorization and referral corrected and taken care of.  :) :)  I hope I don't have to reschedule this appointment once again!  My thyroid problem has to be taken care of before we can try any type of procedure.  You never realize how important your Thyroid is until it is broken!

Well this month is Endometriosis Awareness Month!  So if you know anyone that is suffering from the disease send them here.  Hopefully they can find hope, and answers from my blog.  I know it is not easy to deal with.  It is a long and hard road to go down but we can hope for a cure one day!  In the meantime we can support one another and take appropriate steps to treat our symptoms.  Life would be easier without this trail but it will make us stronger even if we don't see that right now. 

Until next time.....

Hoping and Praying....

Hoping and Praying....