My Journey Overview

Our Infertility Journey so Far:

Me: 25- Endometriosis, Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, Tubal Blockage in right fallopian tube.  Left tube has been partially removed.
DH: 29- Sperm are great just have too many round cells

Married: 6/12
TTC since: 07/12

Dx: Endometriosis prior to diagnostic laparoscopy in 02/11. Officially diagnosed by Laparoscopy in 12/11.

Dx: Tubal Blockage in right tube 12/12..... Opened finally on 12/30/13.
Dx: Tubal Blockage in right tube again :( 06/04/2014
Dx: Hashimoto's Thyroiditis 12/12.
DX: Luteal Phase Defect
DX: High Insulin and elevated HbA1C

04/01/2009 I found out I was pregnant.  This was a previous relationship and not with my husband.  I was having severe pain and my doctor told me to go to the ER.  I did and they thought I had an ectopic pregnancy.  I was given Methotraxate to induce a miscarriage so I wouldn't need surgery.

04/03/2009 My hCG levels had tripled wince the 1st.  I had an emergency Laparotomy to removed the baby.  Once I was awake I was told what the saw was a cyst on my ovary and my baby was in utero it was too early to see it on ultrasound.  I was told I'd still miscarry because of the Methotraxate.  During this surgery no Endometriosis was noted.

04/11/2009 I started bleeding severely and was given medication to induce contractions so I wouldn't need a D&C.

08/2009 John and I started dating. 
09/2009 My pelvic pain began.
02/2011 Misdiagnoised with PID.
12/2011 First Laparoscopy # 1  Endometrisois was found.  Left ovary and part of the left fallopian tube was removed. 
01/2012 Lupron (1 3 month injection)
06/2012 My period finally started so we started TTC.
08/2012 We discovered I wasn't ovulating.  I began Clomid.
             IUI #1: Clomid and trigger shot
             IUI #2:Clomid and trigger shot
11/2012 Blocked fallopian tube suspected.
12/2012 Laparoscopy #2 and Hysteroscopy #1:More endometriosis removed.  Fallopian tube blockage found.  Failed attempt at opening my fallopian tube and diagnosed with Allen-Masters Syndrome.   
01/2013 Lupron (starting 4th-6th months)
04/2013 HSG #2: Failed to open the right fallopian tube.
05/2013 Period started on it's own
05/2013 RE Consult
06/2013 IVF Protocol was given and medication started
               IVF #1
               2 5 Day Blasts transferred
               5dp5dt +hpt x2 (very faint) Trigger shot was already tested out by then.
               6dp5dt +hpt but more faint than day before
               9dp5dt Beta: BFN <1
              FET #1
              1 6 Day Blast transferred   
              9dp6dt Beta: BFN <1
12/2013 Laparoscopy #3 and Hysteroscopy #2  Minimal Endometriosis excised and Fallopian tube blockage opened 100% 
01/2014 Timed Intercourse w/o assistance via medication or so we thought.
01/2014 Progesterone suppositories started again for support for all cycles from now on. My levels were lower than what they wanted.  
01/2014 BFN
02/2014 BFN
03/2014 BFN
04/2014 We are no longer able to try until my husband returns.
05/2014 Consult with new RE
06/04/2014 Saline Sonogram showed my right tube is blocked again or at least what the RE told us.
08/01/2014 HSG showed right tube is 100% OPEN!  

Whats's next: 
Vacation in a few weeks and our first time TTC since March. 
More detailed Overview Below:                   
April 2009- January 2011
In April 2009 I had a Laparotomy for some lady issues.  A few months later I started having pelvic pain, and other symptoms of Endometriosis.  Due to being very stubborn and not wanting to face my problems I put my health on the back burner for way too long.  When I finally wen to the doctor in 2011 I learned that my Laparotomy in 2009 could of caused my endometrial tissue to escape my uterus and cause my Endometriosis. 

February 2011 -November 2011
In February 2011 I was diagnosed with PID, Dysmenorrhea, and Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding.  I started the Depo shot on 2/07/2011.  After years of pain it somewhat tapered off.  Around July of 2011 the cramping started again in full force.  It was odd because I didn't have a period.  My Family Practice Physician consulted with the OBGYN.  They said they may need to do surgery.  All I heard was surgery and thought lets get a second opinion.

December 2011 
So that is what I did.  My second doctor was a OBGYN who said I needed surgery to see what was going on.  He was convinced that I did had Endometriosis and he would remove what was needed to be removed during that surgery.  Surgery went well.  I had instant relief.  I had no more pain because they removed my left ovary which was diseased from the Endometriosis.  I was misdiagnosed with the PID, Dysmenorrhea, and DUB.  It was all along Endometriosis!  I went for my follow up appointment expecting to get my regular 3 month Depo shot.  Instead, my doctor suggested I get the Lupron shot.  Being my doctor I trusted him and scheduled my injection for January 16, 2012.

January 2012 
I got my Lupron 3 month shot on January 16th.  The following day, I moved to Connecticut.  So I just got a crazy shot and had just moved.  The next 6 months were a roller coaster ride from hell.

January 17- August 1, 2012
Lupron put my body into a state of menopause.  Needless o say it made my life a living HELL!!  It was like living in my worst nightmare.  Every single minute a new bump in the road appeared.  Just a few of my many symptoms included: Good moods, bad moods, pelvic pain, abdomen pain, headaches, no headaches, urine incontinence, low libido, breast pain, low blood sugar, insomnia, high and low thyroid hormones, and trust me the list goes on!

August 1, 2012-November 2012
August 1st, I saw my first gyno here in CT.  I love my doctor he is absolutely amazing!!  He is wonderful at explaining things to me and doesn't sugar coat everything!  Due to the Endometriosis, hormones, removal of my working ovary and the Lupron I am considered high risk and infertile.  I will always have to have assistance to try to conceive.  I had my first period in August for the first time in a year and a half.  Talk about exciting.  Trust me it really is.  My body is slowly, very slowly realizing what it needs to do.  I had to make a decision in the middle of August two days before my period started.  I either would go back on the Depo shots or start fertility medicines.  I talked to my husband about the options and we decided that we would like to try to have our own children before it's too late.  My Estrogen is making my Endometriosis bleed, grow and just be a pain in the butt!!  We did our first cycle in August but sadly it did not take.  Now, we have to discuss what path we are going to go on now.

December 2012
On December 7th, I had a Laser Laproscopy and a failed Hysterasalpinogram.  The Laproscopy showed new Endometrial growths in and outside the uterus.  The implants on the outside were burnt off and removed.  They also found a cyst on the tube that was a surprise.  The cyst was cut up and removed.  When they tried to do the Hysterasalpinogram they couldn't find the opening of my tube from within my uterus.  They used a tool to make a hole to view inside the tube.  The tube was damaged by scar tissue and Endometriosis.  They did try to push dye through the tube but it was so blocked it wouldn't go in.  The doctors were unable to surgically clear the tube because it would cause more damage  than good.  I go next Friday to discuss our options on opening the tube.  The doctor says we would benefit best from IVF at this time.  So now we wait again to make a plan.  Oh, I quit smoking :) 

January 2013
January 3rd I received my month only Lupron shot and daily Norethindrone pills.  We are waiting for infertility consults right now.  I quit smoking at the end of December, and then my respiratory system became inflamed.  Due to that I had to go see my PCM and we discussed my thyroid results.  My body is still producing antibodies that are attacking my thyroid and other body tissues.  They can treat me once my levels get to a certain range.  I go back in February for a follow up test to see what my thyroid and body is doing.  I will be going to the University of Connecticut's Advanced Center of Reproductive Services in February and then possibly Walter Reed for consults.  I am very excited :)

February 2013
I had to sadly cancel my appointment for this month.  My insurance didn't do something right.  Other than getting my second Lupron injection this month nothing has changed.

March 2013
I got my third Lupron injection this month.  My Thyroid Antibodies continue to rise.  My PCM is going to monitor me every 6 weeks because my lab results show I am both hypothyroid and hyperthyroid :\ :\  I went to UCONN to a Reproductive Endocrinologist.  Here is the what was figured out at that appointment.  I will be seeing an Endocrinologist for my thyroid.  I have fluid in my uterus for an unknown reason.  My ovary is very very small from being so suppressed.  There was talk to rather or not I will have viable eggs after the suppression subsides.  My current pelvic pain may be coming from suspected hernias in the pelvic cavity.  Good news....IVF is going to cost less than what we thought :D

April 2013
I am waiting to make my Endocrinologist appointment. I go in 2 weeks for my repeat Antibodies test.  I am praying they are coming down but with my symptoms it is doubtful.  Antibodies are still climbing :(  I did a HSG to see if my only tube was still obstructed.  Of course it was and they did try to unblock it but it did not work.  Back to considering IVF.

May 2013
 I went and say a Endocrinologist that was rude and crude.  That does not fly with me.  So time to find a new Endocrinologist and Reproductive Endocrinologist.

June 2013
I sent to see a RE that is also a OBGYN and Endocrinologist in Massachusetts.  She was wonderful. She gave me wonderful vibes and was honest.  She could try to fix my tube but there is a chance of damage to it.  She suggested IVF as well.  After some thought John and I decided IVF was the way to go :D :D :D :D   On June 26th I started my birth control pills to prepare my body for IVF :)

July 2013
Here is what has been going on with this IVF Cycle:
6/26-7/14 Birth Control
7/15 Blood work and ultrasound--everything looked great
7/17 Period started
7/19-7/23 Gonal-F Injections
7/24 Blood work and ultrasound-- 2 follicles seen and everything looks great
7/24-7/25 Gonal-F Injections
7/26 Blook work and ultrasound-- 4 follicles seen.  My ovary was hiding behind my uterus and was getting caught in my intestine....yuck!  Doctor was concerned that it may stay like that until the time of retrieval.
7/26 Gonal-F Injection
7/27 Gonal-F Injection and Ganirelix Injection
7/28 Follistim Injection and Ganirelix Injection
7/29 Blood work and ultrasound-- 6-7 follicles seen and  my ovary wasn't hiding :)  After reviewing the ultrasound they confirmed I have 10 follicles ready to be retrieved!!!!  All of my hormones are where they need to be as a well :)
7/29 hCG Injection
7/31 Egg Retrieval(ER):
                              14 Eggs Retrieved ( a HELL of a lot more than expected!!!!!!)
                              13 Viable Eggs (1 was no where close to being mature)
                              1 Non Viable Egg
                              AND HERE COMES THE BEST PART........
                              8 FERTILIZED EGGS (Zygotes)

August 1-13, 2013
Since the ER I have been very bloated and in pain which is to be expected.  We just have to make sure it doesn't become extreme and I that I dont start leaking fluid into my abdomen.  Monday, August 5th is our Embryo Transfer (ET).  Our Embryo Transfer went very well.  We transferred 2 beatuful 5 Day Blastocyst.  Here they are:

I didn't feel a darn thing during the procedure :)  After though I started having cramping that lasted days.  Not very pleasant.  We will find out on the 14th if it worked or not.

August 14, 2013--Pure HELL
Waiting, WAITing, WAITING... That is what I did from 8am-2:09pm.  I saw my results online and began to cry.  Tears of Joy or Tears of Sadness????  My RE called about 20-30 minutes later and confirmed... I WAS CRYING TEARS OF SADNESS!!  Our IVF cycle didn't work :(  We even got a positive home pregnancy test even after the hCG trigger had tested out.  So we know I was going to miscarry.  Absolutely heartbreaking!  What's next you ask?  Wait for my dreaded period and for my hormones to go back down to normal.  Then we start our Plan B of a FET.  One out of the remaining 6 embryos made it to day 6 to be frozen.  As long as it survives the thawing process we will have one more time to try.

November 8, 2013
Today was our FET :D  Our snow baby thawed and was ready to go.  We transferred our one and only embryo we had.  He or She is a grade 4BB which is great.  Soon we will find out if it took or not :)

December 30, 2013
I had a laparoscopy and hysteroscopy.  My doctor excised endometriosis she saw and did the unthinkable.... SHE OPENED MY ONLY FALLOPIAN TUBE!!!  So in the next few days we will for the first time be able to try to conceive on our own with a open tube :)  Ovulation test are ready to go!

Janurary 2014-March 2014
We tried to conceive all 3 months and all test were negative.  Due to my husbands work schedule we had to quit trying.

April 2014-July 2014
Due to schedule conflicts we are temporarily not trying.  On June 4, 2014 I had a Saline Sonogram that relieved my right tube is one again blocked. Or that's what we were told.  Come to find out they Navy RE didn't due the right test...SHOCKER!  My HSG is scheduled for 8-1-2014.

August 2014
HSG test done and guess what?!?!?!?  MY RIGHT TUBE IS 100% OPEN!  GOD IS GREAT.

It has been a long, hard, emotional and painful road.  I know with the support of my amazing husband, family and friends I will get through this :) 

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