Sunday, February 9, 2014

Post-Op & Update

My follow post op appointment on 1/15 went really well. My incisions look great. She was pleased that I haven't any non surgical related pain so far during this cycle.

December/January cycle
I started testing with OPKs and finally got a positive Lh surge on 1/8 which was cycle day 16.  It looks like I actually caught it near the end of the surge.  Since I had a positive OPK it meant the within the next 24-36 hours I would hopefully ovulate. So it was time to get down to business...... No pressure right??  WRONG!  This is our first time trying to conceive on our own without any kind of help. This is BIG!  I felt a little silly having to ask my doctors nurse which we needed to do our thing. Hey we didn't want to miss the fertile window after all. So many questions surfaced after my fertile window was over. Was I actually having ovulation cramps?  Did I ovulate?  If I did what were our chances?  When could we test?  How will we react to a BFP?  How will we cope of this cycle fails?  What could we do? 

Yes, I was having ovulation pain on 1/8 and 1/9. Yes, my lab work at my post op appointment showed I actually ovulated for exciting!!!  My progesterone was at 9.70 and my RE wants it at 10 so I started pro getting vaginal suppositories.  Research says that for a healthy female that's not medicated during a cycle has a 20% chance a month of conceiving.  Since I just had a lap, tube opened, and flushed out my RE have this cycle a 25% chance. Yes, that's higher than average but my reproductive organs were freshly "cleaned" which can increase the odds for the first month for some people.  I started testing on 10dpo (days post ovulation).  We did a progesterone blood test on 1/15.  It showed my progesterone was a lower than what it should be.  With that said it was low enough to where a fertilized egg more than likely wouldn't of implanted the week before.  BUMMER! 

What's Next?
We met with my RE on 1/28 to discuss our plans.  John had to undergo some more testing to make sure he is still good to go.  We don't have the results yet.  We should have them sometime this week.  I have started testing for my lh surge. Once I get a positive ovulation test I will start progesterone suppositories 2-3 days after to make sure my lining is suitable for a baby(ies).  Hopefully, in the next few days I will have my positive test and we can get the ball rolling. 

We are actually moving at the end of the month so it will make seeing an RE impossible for a few weeks.  My RE that I have here wants to monitor me from afar until I get a new doctor.  Packing, moving, trying to conceive, and all sorts of other things are going on but we can conquer it all!

Until next time....


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