Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Second Cycle Started

So this month is our second cycle.  We weren't going to do this cycle at first since I didn't start taking Clomid until day 5 of my cycle.  It didn't help that I told the doctor the wrong day that I started my period.  Thankfully, it was only a day difference and didn't mess everything up :-)  When I went in on the 26th for my ultrasound and possible  hCG trigger shot my heart grew heavy.  Since I have a severe reroverted uterus they weren't able to find a follicle that was biger than 10mm.  he doctor's face turned white and he gave me that look of ummm this isn't working.  About 8 minutes into the ultrasound and pushing on my abdomen out of nowhere this giant follicle appeared on the screen.  It was sitting directly behind my uterus.  It was a perfect follicle at 21.9mm.  I wanted to cry tears of joy!  So, after the ultrasound we talked about our options and about the hCG shot.  We decided that I'd get the hCG trigger shot and figure out what we wanted to do.

On Friday, I had an IUI.  Let me tell you it was no more painful than a pap smear until my cervix wouldn't open.  He had to use a special tool to open it and it hurt worse than all 6 of my tattoos put together.  The nurse grabbed my hands that were on my chest so I wouldn't flinch.  Talk about cramps from HELL!!!  It felt like my uterus had exploded and was on fire.  However, that is normal for when your cervix is opened manually and not naturally.  Since I by passed almost all of reproductive organs and the specimen was injected at the opening of my only tube the fastest swimmers arrived within minutes!  It's crazy to think about. 

I will find out in 9 days if this cycle worked.  I really hope that it does.  I have let my excited emotions take over at the thought that I could be pregnant right now!  If this cycle doesn't work than we still have time to figure out what we want to do.  We still have options which is nice.

Due to the hormones and the insemination the chances of getting pregnant is 3 times higher than average!  So, there's a 60% chance it will work.  I'd have to say those are good odds.  I know that it may not take but I am very confident that it did.  Obviously, if it didn't I will be sad but we WILL move forward!

Today my doctor called with my results of my blood work to make sure I ovulated!  Guess What?!?!? I did and there was no doubt about it.  I ovulated the day of the procedure :)  I have been taking dip stick pregnancy test to watch the test line fade to a negative to insure if I take a test that the hCG shot is out my system.  It should be out of my system in a day or two hopefully.  Even if it isn't if the test line starts getting darker then it should be a true positive test result.  We will know for sure via blood work.

Until next time my friends......keep your fingers crossed :-)

Hoping and Praying....

Hoping and Praying....