Wednesday, April 18, 2012

First and Last treatment is DONE! NOW time for me to Recover!

Finally, the 3 month mark came on April 16th, my 23rd birthday.  Now only time will tell what this medication has done to my body.  Hopefully, the affects will wear off in a few weeks.  If not I guess I'll keep taking my hormone pills until I feel somewhat "NORMAL" again. 

I am not under any circumstances having my second Lupron shot.  However, I am continuing my 5mg hormone pill everyday for a few more months to help with the "normal" side effects from the drug(hot flashes, mood swings, bone loss, and headaches).  You could not pay me enough money in the world to do something that stupid!  My hot flashes, pelvic bone pain,  dry skin, and indigestion have gotten a little worse in the past week.  However, worse things could of been getting worse.  I know my body is now trying to transition itself again.  I know I am looking at my side effects getting more intense while the Lupron wears off and I slowly re-adjust.  I have picked up an old hobby of mine that I started when I was about 8.  I am now making custom little girls tutu's, dresses, and hair accessories by hand.  I am so happy that I am back into something I love doing!  If you would like any custom items you can find me at Sew Girly by Sara on facebook.  I have noticed that I feel better about what is going on when I am sewing or doing crafts.  It puts my mind at ease.  Trust me,  that is a great thing to have right now!

I hope and I pray everyday that my body gets back to a "normal" way of functioning.  Yes, I know that m Endometriosis will continue to affect me unless it is cut off or I have whats left of my reproductive system removed.  Only time will tell if this shot has helped or if it has actually made me worse.  I know some things it has made worse.  I am confident that no matter what this awful drug throws my way that I will be able to beat it and overcome what has become a painful adventure.  My body and mind are exhausted and are hurting.  I am very thankful that I have such an amazing boyfriend, family, and friends.  As time goes by we will all know what benefits, and what long term side effects I will have from Lupron.  Trust me I will let you know!  Remember Lupron is not a joke and has killed people from reactions, short and long term side effects.  It effects simple everyday routines.  It is a poision that breaks down your bones and weakens your entire body.  It may help your pain during those 3 or 6 months of treatment but your pain will come back without it.  It is recommended that anyone that takes Lupron should NEVER DO MORE THAN A 6 MONTH TREATMENT IN A LIFETIME EXCEPT FOR CANCER PATIENTS!!  THAT IS HOW POTENT IT IS!

Maybe on the next post I make I can say I have a healthy menstrual cycle, my only ovary works, and all side effects are gone!!  Have a great day :)

Hoping and Praying....

Hoping and Praying....