Friday, August 9, 2013

Ovary Gymnastics & Update

It's been 4 days since our 5 day transfer (4dp5dt).  I've been having some cramping, sore breasts, bloating, and tired.  All normal signs for this part of the process, that is until last night.

Yesterday, started like every other day this week mild cramping which was manageable.  Then last night I started having horrible cramps.  Cramps that were as bad as the ones before my Endometriosis was removed.  It brought me to my knees then to a ball in the floor.  It didn't last too long but hurt like HELL!  Finally it went away and then came back on and off fora while.  I emailed the nurse this morning and I was told to go in for an ultrasound to make sure I didn't have a cyst rupture or having Ovarian Hyper Stimulation Syndrome.  Well, the good news is no cysts, no free fluid, no real signs internally of OHSS!  The ultrasound reviled that my ovary had been doing gymnastics and is sitting on top of my uterus!!!!  I know what your in the world did that happen?!?!?!?!  I was thinking the same thing too.  My ovary, needless to say is a free spirit that has it's own idea of where it should be and what tit should do.  This isn't this first time it has done something whacky however this is the whackiest!!  It has been behind my uterus almost stuck to it, and caught in my intestines.  Neither one of those really caused me this much pain or really any pain.  I have scar tissue from my surgeries and adhesion's so I guess I'm "more" prone to this sort of craziness.  Tylenol doesn't help so there's no point in continuing to take it.  I can't use a heating pad, take ibuprofen or any pain meds, or really do anything about it.  My RE did say that she believes the pain is coming from the ovary just sitting on the ovary and not due to extreme uterine cramping.  She did do blood work to see if I need more hormonal support.  We will know tomorrow.   So I will live with it.

Other possibilities that could also be playing a roll in my pain is that my embryos are implanting which is our goal by doing this, or I could be PMSing because they aren't and my period will come.  If it is implanting it should be done with that today-Sunday :)  I am doing everything I can to stay positive.  It is still to early to tell...well somewhat.  Wednesday I will do my blood test.  However, I could possibly get a positive home pregnancy test (BFP) before then.  The trigger hCG shot is 100% out of my system so if I get a line then it is REAL!

We recieved our completed embryo report from the Embryologist today.  Here is everything it said and some is a recap.
14 eggs retrieved
13 mature
8 fertilized
2 embryos
1 cryopreserved (frozen for later use)
5 not suitable for cryopreservation 

We were hoping for more than 1 to be cryopreserved but we will take it.  1 is DEFINITELY better than none!!!!

The next few days will hopefully go by fast.  John is being all patient and I am well NOT!  I'm sure you all can understand why......If not I don't know what to tell ya.

I believe that everything happens for a reason and I don't know why this is happening to us.  I like to think we are good people and that we deserve a family.  We have our own home, steady income, the means to take care of a baby and so much love to give.  Maybe this is happening so I can bring awareness to people about Endometriosis or Infertility.  I am really not sure.  No matter how many people whine and complain I will continue to blog about it.  I know life isn't fair but this truly isn't fair!

"For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you, not harm you. Plans to give you a hope and future." Jeremiah 29:11

Anyways.......So please continue to have us in your thoughts and prayers.  We have come a long way.  We are hoping and praying for the best possible outcome.  

Until next time......

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