Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Year, New Journey

Yesterday, I went in for the surgery I called D-Day.  I had a laparoscopy and a hysteroscopy.  Our goal was to excise any endometriosis that was present, and to try a final attempt to open my fallopian tube.

There were a few small concerns with moving forward with the surgery since I was still under the weather.  However, my breathing sounded great, no fever, and my pulse was strong.  I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared, nervous, hopeful, and thankful.  My doctor is truly amazing and so was/is her staff.

As 2013 come to an end after so much pain, heartache, injections, pills, ultrasounds, appointments, tests, a surgery we are happy to say that my RE was able to UNBLOCK MY TUBE!!!  That's right my fallopian tube is open and is ready to go!  She cut out the blockage without having to cut my tube and pushed blue dye through it.  We had a 1% or less chance this was going to work and it did.  GOD IS GOOD!!  I am still in some pain obviously, and very nauseous.  There was minimal endometriosis and I did have several adhesions.

What's next?!?!?..... Well, I have been spotting since my period ended Sunday and plus the surgery causes bleeding.  Once the bleeding stops we are to get busy because I should be ovulating sometime between this Saturday and Monday.  That's right we will be trying to naturally conceive :)  We are beyond thankful and feel blessed!  Usually within the first 6 months after removing a blockage you will get pregnant if it's going to happen.  There is also a good chance my tube will be blocked again at some point.  As far as I know the blockage was endo and scar tissue.

The past 1.5 years has been intense.  2 IUIs, a thyroid problem, 2 surgeries, 3 HSGs, 1 IVF cycle, 1 miscarriage, 1 FET cycle that failed, 40 vaginal suppositories, 30+ injections, 15+ ultrasounds,  20+ hours driving to and from my RE's offices, and a lot of heartache.  We will be starting 2014 off in this new journey that seemed so far way in the beginning.

We appreciate all the phone calls, emails. letters/cards, texts, thoughts and prayers.  Please continue to pray that all of this works out.  We are now moving forward!

Until next time.....
-Positive thoughts and prayers that this was all worth it and that God blesses us with a pregnancy and a healthy baby.

Here are the graphic photos of the surgery, including one with the dye after it passed through my fallopian tube.
Adhesions in the pelvic wall.

Another adhesion.

Uterus, fallopian tube and ovary.

See that blue color... Thats the dye after the blockage was removed and it went through my tube :)

Hoping and Praying....

Hoping and Praying....